Chapter 1: Death of a Mother and Father, but a Birth of a Future Hokage

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By the way Y/n is a few days older then Naruko where as Sasuki is 2 weeks older then Y/n

3rd POV:

Days after the birth of Y/n. M/n and F/n have been happy with their lives that they wanted to stop being Shinobi for awhile until he's old enough to go to the Academy.

Timeskip to the Nine Tailed Fox Attack:

On the Fox's rampage on Konoha, many ninjas were trying they're best trying to keep the Fox from destroying Konoha where as Lord 4th and F/n was being held back by this mystery figure with a cloak and a mask that has a monster amount of strength and skill if this figure can keep the 4th Hokage and the Saiyan at bay.

Hours before the Fox Attack:

Kushina Uzumaki was about to give birth to a child and Minato was really worried about his Wife and his child but as well as the Fox If it'll get out or not, after so much scream of pain of giving birth you can finally hear the birth of an infant's cry.

Minato POV:
I heard the cry of a baby being born and I quickly went to check if my son/daughter was ok, when the medical ninja gave me my child it was a healthy baby girl given to Kushina to calm her down

Kushina: *Weakly* Look Minato it's a girl *Tears Of joy*

I was beyond happy because I get to be a father to a girl, but the joy was short lived because there was suddenly a thud sound behind me and when I looked back I found the medical team dead. Then I heard the scream of my wife behind me and then there was a cloaked figure holding my daughter


?: *Deep voice* Not another step or your child will die Lord 4th

I stoped right there when the person holding my daughter said that

Minato: Why are you doing this and what do you want?

?: I'm doing this to get the Nine Tailed Fox from her seal and use it to destroy Konoha and bring peace to this world

How did he know Kushina is the Nine Tailed Jinguriki?

Minato: I don't know what you're talking about the Nine Tails is not in my Wife

?: I'm not a fool Minato Namikaze I know that your wife Kushina Uzumaki is the Jinguriki Of The Nine Tails and I'll make sure to use him and his Chakra to make sure you all die

He then threw my daughter in the air and threw a kunai at her, I quickly used my Flying Raijin to save my daughter but when I did the cloaked person took Kushina somewhere to get the Fox out of her

Elsewhere F/n POV:
Me and M/n where taking care of Y/n when all of a sudden there was a massive amount of energy at Konoha and I'm sure M/n sensed it as well

F/n: Take care of Y/n I'll be back when I figure on what that is ok

M/n: Ok but you better comeback alive ok *Kiss his cheek*

F/n: I will *Smile*

I went to Konoha and there was a large smoke on the air as well as a giant Nine Tailed Fox? And a lot of villagers were dead and a lot of ninjas trying to kill the Fox

F/n: Lord 3rd you need help on this?

3rd Hokage: *Looks at F/n* Yes that would be very helpful right now

Few minutes later:

We weaken the Fox a little bit but for some reason Lord 4th isn't helping out on the Fox problem so I asked if I could go search for Lord 4th while the rest keep the Fox busy as I look for 4th, after finally finding out where he was, he is fighting someone who's wearing a cloak and a mask and he's actually holding there own on the 4th Hokage, who ever this person is sure is strong if he can keep up with him. After watching them fight a little bit I finally started to join the 4th on this person

F/n: Big Bang Attack *Fires the Ki Blast*

The person moved fast to avoid my blast

F/n: Hey Lord 4th need a help against still guy?

4th Hokage: Yeah but be on guard this foe is kinda tough, even with my speed this guy is keeping up with me

F/n: Got it, just gotta be careful and time the move just right

Present 3rd POV:

After awhile of fighting the mask man, they finally decided to finish this with they're strongest move (F/n couldn't move for awhile cause of the fatigue), Minato readies his Rasengan and charges at the figure where as the masked man did the just just without the Rasengan. Minato quickly throws his Kunai at the figure but the kunai went though his/her head, just when they were about to crash at each other Minato suddenly disappeared then reappeared above him with using his Flying Raijin and damaged him with his Rasengan

When the figure was defeated he/she lost the control of the Nine Tailed Fox and the Fox became more of a wild beast right now causing much more havoc on the Village

Timeskip: {Just like the show just Naruto as a girl}

F/n POV:
When I got to the Fox I was horrified at the sight in front of me, the Nine Tails' claw went right through Kushina and Lord 4th to save they're child and I even saw the Grim Reaper behind Lord 4th, he must've used the forbidden Jutsu to get rid of the Fox, when the Fox was gone I quickly went to Kushina and 4th, when I got to them, the 4th Hokage was already dead where as Kushina was barely alive

Kushina: Oh hey F/n, can you do me my final wish?

F/n: Yeah of course, you are my Wife's Best Friend after all *Tears falling down*

Kushina: *Coughs blood* Can you please take good care of my daughter for me? Her name is Naruko Uzumaki, I want her to at least know what it's like to be loved by others instead of being treated horribly cause of the Fox inside of her *small smile*

F/n: Yeah of course I'll make sure me and M/n will take care of her, hell we'll even spoil her just for you and we'll make sure she gets strong *More tears falling down*

Kushina: Thank you very much *One Final smile*

One of my wife's Best Friend died right in front of me, how am I gonna break this news to her? Now she only has Mikoto as her only one right now, I picked up Naruko and was going to head home until Lord 3rd showed up to late as well, when he asked what happened I told him everything that's happened so far. He lost his apprentice and told me to take good care of Naruko in order to fulfill Kushina's last wish

Few minutes later at the Uchiha residence:

When I got home I entered my home and went to the living room since that's where she wait for me to get back home, when I got to the living room she was facing her back on me because Y/n was playing with his toys

M/n: Hey glad you could finally com- *Sees me holding Naruko* hey where'd you get the baby?

F/n: ..............

M/n: Hey hun you ok? *Sees tears in my eyes* ok your worrying me right now so tell me what's wrong?

F/n: *Sad tone* You need to sit down for this

I told her everything that's happened from seeing the village burning to a masked figure to Lord 4th and Kushina's death along with Kushina's final wish, when I was finished she was cry a lot that Y/n started to cry as well as Naruko because of the cry of a mother. That day we made a promise to our selves that we'd take care of Y/n and Naruko no matter what

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