Chapter 10: Back to Konoha and confessions

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3rd POV:

It was two days after the bridge fight and our Young Saiyan Uchiha began waking up from passing out, last he remembered is that Zabuza and Haku kissed him on his cheeks, he began blushing from that memory and heard his Team talking somewhere and went to the kitchen and they saw him wake up

Girls: Y/n!

They quickly went and hugged him and had some tears in their eyes

Naruko: You made us so worried N/n!

Sasuki: Baka, we thought you died when you passed out!

Sakura: Don't you dare make us worried like that again!

Y/n was feeling bad for making them so worried like that on passing out

Y/n: You got my word that I'll try and not let you worry about me like that *smiles and hugs them*

Kanna: I'm just glad that you're finally awake

Y/n: How Long was I out?

Girls: Two days

Y/n was shocked at for sleeping that long and for making them worry so much for the entire two days. They started talking for the entire day, once it was tomorrow they started packing and began heading back to Konoha and was at the edge of the bridge that is finally finished

Tazuna: Thank you so much for helping the village out *smiles*

Y/n: It was no problem Mr Tazuna, it was great having to finally do a real mission though

Naruko: Yeah it was way better then having to do chores and do the simplest missions

The others agreed on that

Y/n: So what are you naming this bridge?

Tazuna: I was thinking of naming it The Great Y/n Bridge

Y/n was surprised at that, after saying goodbye to Tazuna they began heading back to Konoha and report to the Hokage about the mission, on their way back Naruko and Sasuki began talking behind the rest

Naruko: So we gonna finally confess to Y/n in Konoha?

Sasuki: Sure I've been waiting long enough anyway

They began talking the entire way back, once their at the entrance of Konoha they went to the Hokage and reported the mission and are paid and dismissed for a few days, they went their separate way to relax with Y/n, Naruko and Sasuki going somewhere to eat, on their way they ran into Hinata that returned from her mission a day before them

Y/n: Hey Hinata! *smiles*

Hinata: *Blush a little* H-hi Y/n, Naruko and Sasuki *smiles* I see that you got back from your mission

Naruko: Yup, it was tough too, so how was your mission?

Hinata: It was good, not really much of a challenge thanks to my training with you three though

Sasuki: Wanna join us to go eating?

Hinata: I'd like that a lot

They set off to eat, on their way they began talking again and told them their mission while eating

Hinata: Can't believe you all fought an S Rated Ninja on your first real mission

Y/n: Yup, it was so exciting having to fight a powerful person so much, can you guys wait here for a moment? I gotta use the restroom

The Saiyan Uchiha (Naruto & DBZ/S Harem X Male Reader) DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now