Chapter 33: Cella's Transformation

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Female Cell's name: Cella

3rd POV

Y/n Instant Transmission to the location with Android 21, when they got there they see Tien in the air and firing beams at a big square hole on the ground, they also see Android 16 badly damage and Android 18 with a different outfit

Y/n Instant Transmission to the location with Android 21, when they got there they see Tien in the air and firing beams at a big square hole on the ground, they also see Android 16 badly damage and Android 18 with a different outfit

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Android 18 grabs 16 and flew away from there

Y/n: (What the Hell happened while I was in the underground lab?)

Y/n and Android 21 sense Tien losing energy with the constant Blast, Y/n was gonna go and get him until he look at his hand that Android 21 is still holding his hand

Y/n: *blush* *clears throat* May I have my hand please?

Android 21: Huh? *looks at her hand* R-Right, sorry *blush*

Y/n: It's fine. Tien why are you firing at the hole?!

Tien didn't hear him, he kept going until he passed out and began to fall, Y/n quickly flew and caught him before he hits the ground, Y/n looks around to see if Piccolo is around since he felt his energy before

He kept looking until he sees him near the ocean, he was gonna go to him until he heard something, he turns to where he heard it and sees a different looking Cella

Y/n: (So she got to Android 17) *clench fist* Android 21 take Tien and stay beside Piccolo and protect them, oh and take these *give blueprints*

Android 21: What are you gonna do?

Y/n: I want to see just how strong she is

Android 21: .... Fine, but I'm helping out if she gets the advantage

Android 21 went to Y/n and put Tien on her shoulder, she went to where Piccolo is, Y/n and Cella stare each other off

Cella: So, what do you think of my power? *smile*

Y/n: Gotta say, it's impressive that you have a lot of power just from Android 17

Cella: Wanna see how powerful I've become?

Y/n: Sure *Transform to a Super Saiyan*

They got to their stance and waited to see who makes the first move, Cella dashed at him but Y/n could still follow her speed, she was going for a punch but he caught the fist, Y/n punch her face and kicks her away

Cella: (Damn that hurts)

Y/n: Are you holding back?

Y/n dash at Cella and sent a barrage of punches, she dodge and blocks some but she feels the force of the punches on her body and when she blocks them

Android 21: (Guess I won't have to step in)

Cella sweep his leg with her tail but Y/n did some backflip to avoid the tail, he stops and send Ki Blast at her, she deflects/dodge them but Y/n suddenly Instant Transmission behind her and use Super God Fist, that sent her flying

The Saiyan Uchiha (Naruto & DBZ/S Harem X Male Reader) DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now