Chapter 7: Heading to the Wave Village

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Y/n POV:
It was one day after fighting Kanna Sensei and I was training Sakura right now so she could take care of herself without any of us when we're busy, right now she was decent but not really a low lvl Chuunin yet, right now she's a mid lvl Genin. What has she been doing on her free time? If she wanted to be a Ninja she needs skills and strength but she lacks the experience in training or combat

Y/n: Alright Sakura that enough, take a 5 minute break, we'll start immediately after it

Sakura: *Tired* Ok Y/n

Man, she really should've thought things though if she wanted to be a Ninja, How is she gonna protect the ones she cherish the most if she hasn't trained that much?

Timeskip after training

Ok, so far she improved from mid to high lvl Genin with her current speed and strength, so now I thought I'd give her weighted clothes right now so she could increase her skills

Y/n: Alright Sakura that's enough so follow me

She nodded and followed me to my place where I got her weighted clothes ready

Y/n: These are your weighted clothes as of today, so don't take them off by any means necessary, only when your about to take a shower or go to sleep got it along when you have to take advantage of your enemies got it?

She nodded again and tried lifting her weighted shirt but end up crouching down while holding the shirt


Y/n: That is half of what Naruko is currently wearing, remember from yesterday where her clothes created that crater? *She nods* yeah that is exactly half of her clothes, same with the wrist and boots

Sakura: I got a question. *I nodded for her to continue* How heavy is your weights?

Y/n: Mine are 4 time more heavy then what Naruko is wearing and 3 time more then Sasuki's

She had her mouth dropped to the ground and was pale as a ghost of how much weight I'm currently wearing, it's funny seeing her face like that

Y/n: Now go put on the clothes please so you can go home and start training with those tomorrow

All she did was nod and put on her clothes and had difficulty at moving around and went home to rest

Timeskip to the day Kanna was fully healed

3rd POV:

During those days of training Sakura she became a low lvl Chuunin with her training with Y/n and became more skilled then when she was in the training ground where she didn't even fought her Sensei and now she can use 3/4 of Naruko's weights but still have great difficulty with them when she starts training, when the day Kanna was back at full strength they started doing D Rank Missions they were getting frustrated at the easiest missions and wanted a C and B Rank missions

When they were done with their current mission they reported and Naruko finally asked to get a better Ranked Mission

Naruko: Alright Hokage we want to do a better mission then just babysitting, doing chores and helping with the simplest things in here right now

Kanna: I'm sorry for her behavior there Lord Hokage *Bows to him*

Lord 3rd: No it's ok, it's about time that they stop with the simplest missions

When he said that the Genins were happy to finally have a real mission other then doing chores

Lord 3rd: Here is a C Rank Mission, this is a escorting Mission where you'll be escorting a bridge builder to the Land of Mist, and the clients name is Tazuna

After he said that an old man that's drunk walked in

Tazuna: Your sending four children and a single Jounin to escort me?

When he said that the four girls already didn't like his behavior and his drunken smell, Y/n was just having a neutral look on seeing the drunk bridge builder

Kanna: I can assure you that these are very capable of keeping you safe, especially the young man over here *Puts hand on his head*

Y/n blushed at her hand being on his head as well being complemented and the three girls saw his blushing face and glared on her

Tazuna: Oh please that kid probably couldn't fight a group of bandits

When he said it the room became tense and a spine chilling feeling entered everyone's their feeling, the girls were giving off a dark Aura on what Tazuna said about Y/n

Naruko: Don't you dare say that about Y/n, he worked hard on his training to get strong

Sasuki: She's right he trained extremely hard so he couldn't lose anyone else that's close to him

Sakura: Don't you dare ever say that about Y/n, you don't know what he's been through at such a young age

Kanna: *Glaring* Don't underestimate him, he is the first person in a while that beat me in a fight and when he did I had to take days to fully recover at our fight

That got the Hokage's interest on the young man's strength and skill to beat a former Anbu

Lord 3rd: Is that why you had bruises and tattered clothes when you said they pass? *Kanna nods* can you tell me everything that happen in the training ground?

After telling him and Tazuna what happened at the training ground (Minus the Kamehameha and Majestic Destroyer Flame) they were shocked at what the young man was capable of at such a age and Tazuna was now shaking what he said about him after that they were set to get the stuff they need to travel to the Wave Village, on the way there Y/n and Kanna saw a puddle in the path, Kanna made a Clone that took her place and hid in the trees, while Y/n was on guard on the attackers

When they pass the puddle two people suddenly jumped out and "killed" Kanna and went to Tazuna but were stopped by Y/n holding the chain that connects to their arm, they turned around and was about to kill him but were stopped by Naruko kicking one of them in the head and Sasuki punching one in the stomach and Sakura protecting the bridge builder and Y/n knocking one out cold and question the other for answers

Y/n: Alright Kanna Sensei you can come out now

Other were confuse until the "dead" Jounin jumped down a tree next to Y/n and wrapped her arm around Y/n's neck pushing his head to her breast, Y/n became a blushing mess where as the girls send a glare to her for making a move on him

Kanna: Impressive that you knew that they were there Y/n~

Y/n Blushing face turn a darker shade of red while the girls glare intensified

After finding out the reason why they were targeting Tazuna they were gonna forget this mission but decided to continue and finish it to preserve the reputation of Konoha, on there way to the village they started talking on the boat for awhile and then came to shore and started walking again

On there way to the village, Y/n threw a Kunai at a bush and found a white rabbit, but there was a mist that showed up out of nowhere and Y/n sense someone in the area and jumped to the group where he was standing from and a sword got stuck to a tree and a woman showed at top of the sword

?: Look at what I found

Next: Zabusa vs Team 7

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