Chapter 25: Leaf Ninjas vs Sound Ninjas PT3

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3rd POV

Tayuya got up after feeling a punch to her face, once she got up she sees Y/n and gain a small blush

Tayuya: That hurts a lot

Y/n: You still good to fight Shikamaru?

Shikamaru: I don't want to but it's not like I have a choice

Y/n got to his stance while Shikamaru got ready to use his Jutsu, while Tayuya got her flute to her mouth, she started playing with her flute and put them in a Genjutsu

Tayuya: (Guess I'll just put them in their nightmare)

Shikamaru's Genjutsu

Shikamaru sees a lot of piles of work he's been assigned to do and barely have time to relax

Y/n's Genjutsu

Y/n is standing in a void and see nothing but darkness, he tried to move but he can only move his head around

Y/n: Damn, what kind of Genjutsu is she putting me on?

There was a tiny light in the distance and it was getting brighter and brighter, Y/n closes his eyes since it was getting too bright, once the light died down he sees that he's in Konoha and sees two mysterious people with a black robe with red clouds like the ones Itsumi and Kisame wore killing everyone that's in their way or not telling them where Naruko is, right now Y/n sees so many dead people

?: Where is the Nine Tailed Jinchuuriki?

Y/n sees a person standing over a heavily injured Kanna

Kanna: I am not telling you where she is

?: So be it

The person pulled out his Kunai and began to stab her to her chest


Y/n can start moving his body again, he tried to punch the one that killed Kanna but he went through him, Y/n hear someone landing next to the one that killed Kanna

?2: There is only one spot where we didn't search

They started moving towards the training ground, once there they see Tsunade, Shizune, some Anbu, Zabuza and his girlfriends

?: So this is where you kept the Jinchuuriki

They got ready to fight the two, once they dashed at the two they started dying one by one, then it was just Zabuza and his girlfriends

?2: Might as well just hand over the Jinchuuriki if you want to stay alive

Zabuza: Not a chance

Zabuza and Haku dashed at them and put up a fight since they work well together, but they eventually died at their hands, now it was just his girls

Girls: Where are you Y/n?

The two figures started walking towards them, the girls got ready to fight and it seems they actually give them trouble but the two are actually toying with them, except on Naruko, Sasuki and Hinata, the order that they died are, Sakura, Ino and Tenten

Y/n: STOP THIS!! *Activates Sharingan*

The two finally killed Sasuki and Hinata, while Naruko watched

Naruko: Y/n where the hell are you?

Naruko's eyes turned red and has slits on them, while her Chakra turn red and started having what looks like tails on the back

The Saiyan Uchiha (Naruto & DBZ/S Harem X Male Reader) DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now