Chapter 28: Preparation Against The Androids

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3rd POV

?: Finally I'm out of that thing

Goki: *blush* (What's this feeling I'm having and why is my heart beating so fast?)

Vegeti: *blush* (My heart is beating fast and I feel heat going up my cheeks. Is this what humans call love?)

ChiChi: *blush* (He's even much cuter when I first thought Goki was a boy)

Bulma: *blush* (He is much better looking then Yamcha and is much more cuter)

The females (minus Launch and Raunch) were too lost in thought while the males kept their guard, the mystery person is stretching his body and heard some satisfying cracks and began moving around so his muscles are no longer tight

?: *sigh* Much better *looks around and sees some people* Yo what's with the fighting stance?

Some of them relax while Piccolo and Tien keep watch at him just incase he tries something, he started going up and got out of the crater that the pod created, once out they got a good look at him and girls blush got darker and he was just as, if not slightly taller then Goki

?: Hey, it's nice seeing new people, my name is Y/n Uchiha

Krillian: I-I'm Krillian

Tien: Mines Tien And this is Chiaotzu

Chiaotzu: H-Hello

Yamcha: Names Yamcha

Piccolo: Piccolo

Raditz: I'm Raditz

Launch: Hello *smiles* my name is Launch

Raunch: *hides behind Launch's legs* *nice side* H-Hi mister U-Uchiha my name is Raunch

Raunch: *hides behind Launch's legs* *nice side* H-Hi mister U-Uchiha my name is Raunch

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Y/n: Aww aren't you an adorable little girl

ChiChi: *still blushing* H-Hello m-my name is C-ChiChi

Bulma: *still blushing* My name is Bulma

Y/n: Nice to meet you two *smile*

Goki: *light blush* Hey my name is Son Goki! Nice to meet you *grin*

Y/n: Nice to meet you to Goki *grin*

Vegeti: *light blush* I'm Vegeti Princess of All Saiyans

Y/n: *bows* It's an honor to meet you my Princess

Goki: Um... Why are you bowing to her?

Y/n: She is a Princess Of All Saiyans right? So *reveals tail* there you go

The others are shocked at seeing Y/n having a tail, at first they thought he was just a Frieza Soldier or an Earthling that accidentally got into a spacepod and finally returned to Earth

The Saiyan Uchiha (Naruto & DBZ/S Harem X Male Reader) DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now