Chapter 5: Forming Teams, meeting the Copy Ninja

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Sorry, I wrote this chapter on Friday but I ran out of gigs to update this chapter, if I don't update in more then 3 days that means I ran out of gigs

I'll change Kakashi's name to Kanna Hatake ok

3rd POV:

It was days after the threat to anyone on who bullies Y/n's friends and he started training only at 3pm till night so he could start being the old Y/n for Naruko and Hinata and started spending and training more with them, if they wanted to train that is. During those days Sasuki started to return back to her old self a little as well so she couldn't have her Best Friend/Rival being so sad and started to train with them to be more efficient to her goal and still be with them

When the day came to go to the Academy and Form Teams they woke up ate breakfast and quickly went to the Academy so they could become an official Ninja, when they got to class a lot of the girls immediately started swooning over Y/n, during his time in the Academy he already became popular because of his skills and looks along with his attitude, Sasuki, Naruko and Hinata became popular as well because of their skills and looks along as being with Y/n as well since he doesn't act cold to them. Some girls started to stop being into him because of his act, but quickly changed after his realization with his constant training and the effect it causes to Naruko and Hinata. Many of the girls became even more into him with his kind and happy self coming back, and every time he smiles a lot of the girls either faint or became a blushing mess, it even took everything in Sasuki, Naruko and Hinata to not do the both of it

During his Academy time he started making friends since he started being nice again, his friends consist of Shikamaru, Choji, Kiba and Shino, he became Lee's training partner to help their faults in their techniques on Taijutsu, Speed, Strength and Endurance, right now their Sensei is now entering the class

Iruka: Good morning students, right now we're going to start forming teams on all of you but first you must first pass this test call the Transformation Jutsu, the person you'll be turning is the Hokage

A lot of the student started transforming and pass then it was Y/n's turn and decided to use his Shadow Clone Jutsu along with the Transformation Jutsu to turn into all the Hokage and shocking everyone in class

Everyone but Naruko, Sasuki and Hinata: (HE CAN USE THE SHADOW CLONE JUTSU AS WELL?!)

When he saw their shocked faces he dispelled his Clones and the Transformation and sat back down on his seat

Naruko: *Looks around* I think you over did it there N/n

Sasuki: She's not wrong there Y/n

Hinata: Y-y-you did amazing Y-y/n *Blushing a little*

Even after all these times she is still a shy and a blushing girl when she is talking or near to Y/n but that is almost gone thanks to training and spending time out side the training ground

Y/n: *Looks at Hinata and smiles* Thank you Hinata, you did amazing as well

Hinata blushes even more and the girls got jealous because she received a compliment and a smile directed to her from Y/n, he sees the jealousy in Naruko and Sasuki's face so he said

Y/n: You and Sasuki did an amazing Transformation as well Naruko *Smiles*

Naruko: *Blushes* T-t-thanks N-n/n *Grin*

Sasuki: *Blushes a little* Thanks Y/n

Iruka: *Clears throat* Alraight that's everyone that's pass, now it's time to form teams, by the way only one Team will have a four man squad, so we'll start with Team 7, Naruko Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno, Sasuki Uchiha and Y/n Uchiha

The Saiyan Uchiha (Naruto & DBZ/S Harem X Male Reader) DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now