Chapter 18: Meeting Tsunade

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Can you suggest a name for Female Jiraiya
3rd POV

After resting they began to start searching again for Tsunade, Y/n and Sasuki are still kinda angry for letting Itachi get away but they continued on their main priority on finding the next Hokage, Naruko was a little upset on Itachi for killing everyone on the Uchiha Compound but she just wants to find out why she did it

On their walk they started talking again, Jiraiya was now explaining the final part of doing the Rasengan, the three listened very closely and demonstrated the difference of their current Rasengan against the complete one, their current Rasengan can only destroy the bark and make a hole but not all the way through, they began trying to master the Rasengan and it took awhile but Y/n did it, then a few minutes later Naruko and Sasuki finally did it as well

Jiraiya: You three learn fast *grin*

Y/n, Naruko & Sasuki: Thank you for teaching us Jiraiya *bows*

Jiraiya: No problem, can't believe it only took you three two days to do it

They began to talk on their journey so it won't be too silent

Jiraiya: (They are good, Minato would definitely be proud of Naruko) *smiles* *looks at them then more at Y/n* (Can't believe how I haven't notice but he looks really cute) *starring* *heart start beating fast*

Y/n: Huh *looks around and sees Jiraiya starring* Is something on my face?

Jiraiya: *snaps back* O-oh n-no there's nothing *looks away to hide the blush*

Y/n: Okay?

Naruko and Sasuki sees that Jiraiya is blushing when Y/n saw her starring

Naruko & Sasuki: (Seems though another one will be added soon) *giggle*

Y/n: Why are you two giggling?

Naruko & Sasuki: *innocently* Nothing

They began talking again while Jiraiya is still blushing for being caught


?: What do you want with me Orochimaru?

There are four people meeting by an abandoned temple, two males and two females, one male being Orochimaru with his arms bandaged since there no longer usable, while the other male having white hair and wearing glasses, this person being Kabuto, Orochimaru's right hand man

Kabuto: We would like for you to heal Lord Orochimaru's arms since you're the best healer

The two females standing in front of Orochimaru and Kabuto are thinking of what happened to him

?: Why should I?

The female that asked the question has blonde hair and light brown eyes that almost looks like orange color with a body that makes any male want her and females to get jealous with how well she looks

The other female has short black hair and dark grey eyes, her body may not be as developed as the first one but still beautiful, she is wearing a black kimono while she's holding a pig in her arms

?: What happened to you that got you so desperate that you have to come to me for healing?

Orochimaru: Let's just say that a certain person was stronger then I expected when we fought

The females began wondering who was the one that is so powerful that they made his arms no longer usable

?: I would never help you even if you beg for it

The Saiyan Uchiha (Naruto & DBZ/S Harem X Male Reader) DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now