Chapter 22: The Five Sound Ninja

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3rd POV

It was days after Sakura, Ino, Tenten and Haku confessed to Y/n, the three girls started training so that they won't have to relie on Y/n to save or solve their problem

Right now Ino and Tenten can carry 3/4 of Sakura's clothes while Haku can carry half of Y/n's clothes, same with Naruko, Sasuki and Hinata, right now they were all training

Y/n against Haku
Naruko against Sasuki
Hinata against Sakura
Ino against Tenten

They kept going until Kanna showed up

Kanna: Well ain't this a surprise, didn't think of you training so much Ino and Tenten

They stopped at their training to see Kanna walking towards them

Y/n: Hey Kanna Sensei! *smile* What brings you here?

Kanna: The Hokage sent me to search for you, Naruko and Sasuki, she wants to see you three for something

The three of them are confuse on what Tsunade wants, Y/n dismiss the training and they began heading to the Hokage compound to find out, once there they see Shikamaru there

Y/n, Naruko & Sasuki: *confuse* Shikamaru?

Tsunade: Good, you three are here

Y/n: Hey Tsunade! Hey Shizune! *smiles*

Shizune: *blush* H-Hi Y/n *smile*

Tsunade: *small blush* Hello Y/n *smile* now, as to why I wanted to see you four

Naruko: *confuse* What did you want from us?

Sasuki: *confuse* Did we do something wrong

The Saiyan Uchiha (Naruto & DBZ/S Harem X Male Reader) DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now