Chapter 11: Start of the Chuunin Exam

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3rd POV:

It was weeks after the confession of four childhood friends becoming a couple, they decided to keep it a secret until one of them became Chuunin. After a day later when they confess they kept training for the upcoming Chuunin Exam while wearing and increasing their weights on their training, right now they were cuddling while taking a break from their training with Hinata on the middle while Sasuki is the left and Naruko on his right and Y/n laying against a tree

Y/n: Man that was tiring

Naruko: You can say that again

Sasuki: At least we're improving and getting much stronger

Hinata: I just can't wait to go against someone strong on the Chuunin Exam..... I think Y/n is rubbing off onto me with fighting *giggles*

Y/n: *Fake angry tone* No I didn't rub off on you! *Smile*

Hinata: *Giggles* Right

Naruko and Sasuki giggles, once they got their energy back they went to go and get something to eat, once done they continue the rest of the day sparring this time, with the Girls vs Y/n, Y/n was using his Sharingan and trying to tap into that power again from his time at the bridge, so far he can have the Gold Aura and Spiky Hair but can't tap into the Blonde Hair


It was hours later since they started sparring and began heading home to rest, Y/n was walking the girls to their place, first was Hinata, upon getting close to the entrance Hinata said goodnight to them and a quick kiss to Y/n. Y/n began taking Naruko and Sasuki home, on their way they were wondering what's gonna happen during the Chuunin Exam, they did the same as Hinata, said goodnight and a kiss to Y/n

Y/n was now heading to his place to rest, once close he sees his kitchen lights on, he was on guard until he remembered what Zabuza and Haku said

Few days after the confession

It was awhile since Team 7's return on their mission, on the day they return and the Genins left, Kanna inform the Hokage about Zabuza and Haku joining Konoha, he was intrigued that The Demon Of The Mist is joining Konoha and asked them

Hokage: Thank you for coming here you two

Zabuza: Yeah, so what did you want to talk about?

Hokage: Yes I would like to ask why did you decide to join Konoha?

Haku: You can thank the boy name Y/n for that, because of him saving us from Kanna's Lightning Blade

Hokage: Thank you for informing me, so where would you like to stay while staying in Konoha?

They thought about it and blush a little and made up their mind

Zabuza: We would like to stay at Y/n's please

Hokage: Ok, but you'll have some Anbu watching you two for a month since you two were our enemies

Zabuza: We Get it Hokage, you're just looking out for the village and the cu- I mean kid *Blush a little*

Hokage: (That boy is full of surprises) *Smile*

They were dismissed and began heading to Y/n's place, with the Anbu that's watching them from a distance, upon being in the front and knock but didn't get an answer, they knock again but still no answer, they heard something in the back and check it out, upon seeing the noise they became shocked at Y/n going against some of his Clones while wearing weights while the Clones didn't wear weights, once he was done with the Clones he removes his weighted clothes while sweating, Zabuza and Haku became a blushing mess and had their nosebleed

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