Chapter 26: Four Tailed Beast

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3rd POV

It's been days since Y/n took his girls on a date, a day after that he started training with Yugao, so far he keeps passing with flying colors, they train from sunrise till 10pm, they only take breaks when it's time to eat or if they're both thirsty for water, his girls bring him food and water when he takes a break and they talk about what they've been doing

Right now Yugao tells Y/n he is now an official Anbu and tells him to go eat something while she goes and tell Tsunade, though underneath the mask she always blush when he smiles at her

Y/n: *smiles* Thank you for training me Yugao

Yugao: *blush* N-No problem

Y/n began heading to Ichiraku to go and eat, on his way there he started thinking on what to do, during his thinking he arrived to it and is greeted

Teuchi & Ayame: *smile* Welcome to Ichiraku

When Ayame sees who came in she started blushing

Y/n: *smile* Hey, I'd like some bowls of Ramen please

Teuchi: Coming right up

Y/n sits down waiting for his Ramen, while Ayame is staring with a blush on her face

Y/n: Huh? *looks at Ayame* Is there something on my face?

Ayame: *darker blush* N-No *looks away* just thought I saw something

Y/n: Ok *smiles*

Ayame continues to blush while cleaning the counter

Teuchi: (So Ayame fell in love?) *smile* Here you go

Y/n: Itadakimasu

Y/n started eating a lot of Ramen at a fast pace, while Teuchi continues to make and serve him, it took him a pile of bowls to finally be full

Y/n: Thanks for the food Teuchi, how much is it?

Teuchi: It's on the house

Y/n: What? No no no no, I insist

Teuchi: *sigh* Fine, how about you pay for half of the bill?

Y/n: Yeah, sure

Y/n pays for it and said his goodbye and began heading home, on his way there an Anbu told him to go to Tsunade, he used his Flying Raijin and showed up behind Tsunade since the mark he placed is on the back of her neck as well as Shizune's

Y/n: You needed me Tsunade?

Tsunade & Shizune: *scream*

Y/n: *nervous laugh* Sorry for scaring you two

Tsunade: I forgot that you learned the Flying Raijin, just don't scare me like that

Y/n: Right, next time I'll use my Kunai, anyway what did you want to tell me?

Tsunade: Right, I was told that you pass with flying colors and became an official Anbu, so Shizune hand him his Anbu mask and outfit

Shizune: Right, here you go and congratulations *smiles*

She hands him the mask and outfit and Y/n left to go put it on, once he put them on he returns

She hands him the mask and outfit and Y/n left to go put it on, once he put them on he returns

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The Saiyan Uchiha (Naruto & DBZ/S Harem X Male Reader) DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now