Chapter 13: Forest of Death PT2

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3rd POV:

After his fight with one of The Legendary Sannin Y/n went to his Teammates, once he was close to them they see him and

Girls: Y/n! *Runs and hugs him*

Naruko: We were so worried

Y/n: Sorry for making you worried but the guy was stronger then I thought but I won

The girls looked up at him and saw some scratch and little bruises on him, and he was kinda breathing heavily for fighting a powerful person and using a lot of Chakra especially using Kirin

Sasuki: Are you gonna be ok *worried*

Y/n: Yes I'm just a little tired especially for using a lot of my Chakra

Sakura: What was his name anyway?

Y/n: His name is Orochimaru

Team 7 began resting, after they rest they began searching again they were at it for awhile until it was about to become night, they stopped and set up for the night near a river


They woke up and they began fishing with Y/n going into the river without his outfit but his shorts, the girls began blushing again with his 2 extra packs (because of his training till a day before the Chuunin Exam) but they saw something around Y/n's waist

Naruko: What is that around your waist N/n?

They saw something brown and furry around Y/n's waist

Y/n: Oh this? This is my Tail *unwraps Tail*

They are shocked that he has a tail that they can't stop staring at it

Y/n: Stop staring it's making me uncomfortable

Girls: R-r-right Sorry

Y/n started throwing fishes from the water while Naruko and Sasuki throws Kunai at them, Sakura prepares the Fire, once done Y/n put on his outfit, they went to the fish that's stuck on the Kunai and began heading to the Fire that Sakura prepares, they waited for a few minutes and began eating them with Y/n eating most while Naruko eats 2 or 3, Sasuki eating 2 and Sakura eating 1, once done eating Y/n began doing push ups

Y/n started throwing fishes from the water while Naruko and Sasuki throws Kunai at them, Sakura prepares the Fire, once done Y/n put on his outfit, they went to the fish that's stuck on the Kunai and began heading to the Fire that Sakura prepares,...

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After he is done doing his push ups Y/n told them to pack again and search for anyone with a Heaven's Scrool, so they packed and began searching, they ran into Ino, Shikamaru and Choji

Y/n: Hey Ino, Shikamaru and Choji, how are you guys doing so far?

Ino: Y/n! Naruko, Sasuki! And Billboard brow

Sakura: You wanna go Ino Pig?!

Shikamaru: *Sigh* What a drag, anyway we're doing fine

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