Chapter 17: Searching for Tsunade

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3rd POV

It was a few days after the fight of Y/n and Orochimaru, right now a lot of the villagers gathered the fallen Ninjas that was protecting Konoha and the people, a lot of them mourn for the protectors and buried them, a day later Hiruzen announces his retirement to the Council and are discussing the next Hokage, they thought about having Jiraiya but she declined it since she is busy with her spy network on Orochimaru and the Akatsuki, after hearing this Hiruzen said

Hiruzen: Why not have Tsunade has the Hokage?

They thought and discussed it for awhile and they made the decision and agreed on that, Jiraiya volunteer on searching for her with the help of Naruko, she was about to head off but Hiruzen said

Hiruzen: Take the boy Y/n with you as well Jiraiya

Jiraiya: Huh. Why?

Hiruzen: You might need him since he is really powerful even at such an age, you don't know what he's capable of, I've seen his skills and the damage he does when he fights

Jiraiya: Ok, but why are you saying these, what did he do for you to speak highly of him?

Hiruzen: You'll have to find that out for yourself when you see what he did to Orochimaru *smiles*

Jiraiya: (What he did to Orochimaru?)

Jiraiya accepted her old Sensei and began searching for the two

With Y/n

Y/n was training again this time with Naruko and Sasuki, those two were having a hard time going against him even with their training for a whole month, and Sasuki finally having a Three Tomoe Sharingan

Naruko: *breathing heavily* Even with our training for a month we still can't beat him

Sasuki: *breathing heavily* I know, even if my Sharingan matured it's still tough, he isn't even using his Blonde Form but he is using his Sharingan

Y/n was standing from a distance using his Sharingan and kinda out of breath from those two

Y/n: You two definitely keep getting stronger and stronger *smile*

They were gonna continue again but heard

?: There you are, I was looking everywhere for you two

The three couples look and see a long white haired person walking toward them

The three couples look and see a long white haired person walking toward them

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Y/n: Who are you and why were you searching for us?

Naruko: *points finger* IT'S YOU PERVY SAGE!!

Y/n: You know this person? Wait..... Pervert? *Dark Aura*

The Saiyan Uchiha (Naruto & DBZ/S Harem X Male Reader) DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now