Chapter 16: Rematch, Y/n vs Orochimaru

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3rd POV:

They see Sasuki arrive in the middle of the battle ground with a new look, once the proctor announced the final fight Gaara began walking down to the battle ground, once she was there they waited for the proctor to start the fight

Proctor: And.... begin!

Timeskip like the Anime

After Sasuki used the Chidori on Gaara, something began to happen to her and her energy started growing and began to go darker, during that something began to happen at the spectators, they began getting sleepy

Y/n: (What's happening?)

He began seeing everyone getting sleepy as well, he thought for a second and then

Y/n: (Genjutsu) *made the Hand Sign* Release

He no longer felt sleepy and quickly did it to Naruko, Kanna and Shikamaru but Shikamaru wasn't waking up

Y/n: (Why isn't he waking up?) *realize* *punch his head* WAKE UP YOU LAZY BUM!!

Shikamaru: OUCH! Why'd you punch me?! Can't you see I was taking a nap?

Y/n: Not now Shikamaru, can't you see what is happening?

Shikamaru looks around and sees a lot of people sleeping and a bunch of Ninjas attacking the Anbu

Shikamaru: *sigh* What a drag

Y/n: You think everything is a drag! *sigh* anyway we need to protect the Village and stop those three Sand Ninjas, Naruko I want you to go help Sasuki on stopping those Sand Ninjas while Shikamaru help out Naruko and bring anyone you think that can help against those three got it?

Naruko & Shikamaru: *Nod*

Naruko: But how are we gonna find them? We know which way they went but they got to be far by now

Kanna: I can help with that *pulls out scroll* Summoning Jutsu

Kanna summons a little dog

Dog: What did you summon me for Kanna?

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Dog: What did you summon me for Kanna?

Kanna: I need you to help these two *points to Naruko and Shikamaru* to track down Sasuki Uchiha ok Pakkun

Pakkun: *looks at them* Alright fine, follow me

They began following Pakkun but Shikamaru quickly release the Genjutsu on some of his friends

Kanna: Alright Y/n why don't we release some Jounins from the Genjutsu?

Y/n: Right

They began releasing some Jounins to help the Anbu fight the Sand Ninjas, they began fighting them, while fighting Y/n saw some Sand Ninjas go to where the Hokage is and Body Flickers to fight off some Ninjas but saw some purple square barriers and he was inside it, while seeing this Orochimaru and the Hokage was fighting, right now Hokage was using a big stick against Orochimaru, Y/n heard them and dashed to the sound of fighting and saw the 3rd kinda losing against Orochimaru

The Saiyan Uchiha (Naruto & DBZ/S Harem X Male Reader) DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now