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I went home and didn't speak a word to anyone. I just went to bed. There were no tears left to cry. Why did I leave her just like that? Why did I not remind her of her promise? Why didn't I question her love all these days? I should've asked Ankita to be my girlfriend again but no, why did I do what I did? 'Because she taught you to respect everyones choices including hers' my mind said suddenly
"Fuck you" I told myself as I cried.
I got a call the next day from an American number. I hadn't slept yesterday wasting my sleeping hours on crying the night away and someone from America was calling me.

" this Kalyan?" it was a girl and I was not in the mood to talk to anyone but still I wasn't that rude......
"yeah...who am I speaking to?"
"ummm you don't know me but I know you!"
"who is this??"
"I'm Catherine, I'm calling from new york."
"Ankita never mentioned you..."
"I didn't tell you anything about Ankita."
"you're calling from new york *sighs*"
"look Catherine just take care of--"
"no wait! Listen, sailesh is not a good guy!"
"why should I care? she's happy anyway!"
"because Ankita was your girlfriend!"
"yeah-right you just said she was my girlfriend."
"look. Kalyan, I understand your pain--"
"you understand nothing Catherine. I sacrificed a lot for her, I loved her so much and she just left me."
"look, Ankita can be yours again!"
"what is she an object in the lost and found section to be given back to me!!??"
"see!! You love her still... you want her!"
"Catherine, look I-I......oh god *voice breaks*..."
"Kalyan I'm her closest friend after you and I know her well. She told me once that if I knew her well then I knew you--"
"Catherine are you single?"
"oh. Ok if you are ever single just tell me how you felt after you broke up or break up yeah?"
"Kalyan plea-"
"bye Catherine."
I cut the call. I was the good guy then on. Not naughty, not clumsy but matured and disciplined.

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