
22 1 0

6:00 AM
"ok guys, I have one more hour so, what do you wanna do?" I asked.
"oh my god, Kalyan I told that person in the tea shop that I'd get money from you!!!!"
"what the......"
"what tea shop?" asked an innocent Ankita.
"the pointy tasty thingy tea shop!" Catherine said with a crazy look.
"uhh. Right,*laugh* Catherines got addicted to that stuff like it's drugs Ankita!!*laugh*"

      I looked at Ankita, she was just looking at me with a blank expression or rather, eyes a little puppyish and lips slightly parted in the center.

"heyy!!*nervous laugh* uh... is everything alright?.... can you stop looking at me like that atleast(it was getting creepy)..."
"you've changed a lot Kalyan."
"what do you mean?*Laughs*"
"appearance wise..."
"oh, that I have*smiles*."
"your moustache... it suits you. I like it..."
"thanks*smiles showing all 32 teeth*"

          We moved closer. Her glasses didn't cover much of her beautiful eyes. Her chubby face looked ethereal in the sunlight. Her pointed up nose shined more.

      We kept looking at each other. I don't know why but her nose was so appealing. It looked so smooth and somewhat polished(Ankita the bright nosed human), I resisted the urge to touch it or flick my finger on it. It was like someone purposefully changed the direction of the sun to shine on her nose. I got too tempted. What did I do next?

"*boops the nose* boop!"
she slowly held my arms.
"uh Ankita?"
She kept looking at my eyes.
"*mesmerized look*"
I looked at her eyes too. Only her eyes...
We continued looking at each other.
"*slowly opens lips a little and closes eyes*"
She pulled me closer, slowly bringing her face close to mine. I went closer to her and............

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