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His eyes told me everything he didn't have the courage to say
Concern written on his face
His lips quivering as if they were afraid of the words struggling to spill out
Like a dam about to burst

you ok?

As if you ever ask that question when someone is
You snatched my heart out of my body
Watched it slowly stop beating in your hand and trampled it into pieces
And as I salvage what is left you ask?

Don't be mistaken the hints of anger left in between these lines of poetry are only directed at myself
Because those eyes always hook me back in

When my friends told me there were "plenty of fish in the sea"

They forgot to mention the fishermen luring you in with their sugarcoated lies
While hiding their wolf like intentions

I could think of so many questions to ask and yet all I have to say is
How can you make destruction so beautiful?
How can you make the trampling of a heart so poetic?

That I can fall for you all over again over 6 simple words.

We can still make this work

Moonlight ( A collection of poems)Where stories live. Discover now