The Days Are Alright

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The days are alright

There's sunlight and gentle breezes

And birds singing

Or cozy rainy days or raging thunderstorms

It's the lonely nights that remind me of you

When my feral heart longs for the only sun she thinks she'll only want

There's so many other stars that burn brighter and yet she only revolves around you

My eyes join her sorrowful mood

Washing the bedsheets wondering

What the world would be like if I was different

My ears try to soothe me

Listening to love songs and sad songs feel the same though

They both remind me of the fact that we will never be the one for each other

That fact wouldn't hurt me as much if I knew I was least someone to you

It's times like these that I wonder who came up with the word heartbreak

And why they couldn't come up with a more explosive word

But  as I drift of to sleep my mind whispers, remember love there is another tomorrow

Which means there's another day

With sunlight and gentle breezes

And birds singing

Or cozy rainy day or raging thunderstorms

Means there another day you will
wake  up and get out of bed

It means that you survived the lonely nights

And that your strong enough to continue doing so

So I guess the nights without you are alright as well

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