Lessons the people who hurt me taught me

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*Just started rambling near the end 

I learned that some people can only speak with a thunder like voice

and a heart that's always a clenched fist

That some people's I love you isn't a statement or a promise

but a response that waxes and wanes like the moon depending

on how well you feed their ego

That words inflict pain more effectively than a bullet does

And that my brain records and replays traumatic events so well it makes my T.V jealous

But always forgets to remind me in time to prevent another one

People say that Hate is the most destructive force that she destroys with a bloodthirsty vengeance

That she doesn't have a moral compass and will demolish men, women, and children alike 

without batting an eye, But at least she's rational at least she has a motive and a reason

Love can turn into passionate hate in the blink of an eye because he's irrational

Logic and Love pretend to be friends to rationalize their own existence

I learned pain isn't a choice but suffering is and the best revenge is not

being concerned with the opinion of those who don't care about you

succeeding or failing either way

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