Breaking Ties

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"So that's the new girl" A girl said staring at me up and down.

"Yeah she's so pretty" another one from the group admired.

"Of all the popular girls she chose to befriend that fat, disgusting loner" another girl intruded. The mean one I suppose.

And so the circle continues. Ellena and I passed sideline and before we could turn our backs on them. A voice called out to me.

"Amber right?" A much excited yet joly girl from their squad lifted her hand to shake mine. "I'm Ashanty by the way"


"You're so gorgeous. You should join us sometime. For lunch" She smirks.

I looked at Ellena, and she looked down to her feet. Terrified I guessed.

"Ellena allowed to come" I asked.

"Uhm just you. Ellena will be fine on her own. Right Ellena?" The mean one jumped in. Charlet I heard.

"What are you looking at looser" she shouted yet again to Ellena and fake smiled again. I stood quietly observing each one of them not knowing what to say.

"Please" Ashanty begged.

I folded my lips twice and teeth bit them. "I'm sorry girls I cant. You are so mean to my friend. And Ashanty? You don't suit to be with them. You're way better than this" I looked down on them and shaked my head.

"Let's go Ellena"

"Who the hell does she think she is ? She's not even pretty" Charlet yells at me impatiently but I rather rolled my eyes and continued heading to the science laboratory.

So break time it is and I hurried to grab food at the Cafeteria. I found Ellena sitting alone with her books in the Library.

"Why didn't you come with me today? What's wrong" I asked.

She shakes her head and continued with her books.

"Come on tell me. What's eating you?" I asked yet again not leaving her alone.

"Nothing I just need to finish my homework"

"If you say so. Burger?" I passed her a beef burger that I brought her from the Cafereria.

"Thank you" she said with a smile.

For a minute, I sat still, studying and observing her facial expressions. Changing expressions from happy, to sad and annoyed.

"Ellena I just want you to know that I'm here for you whenever you're ready to talk"

She changed her focus back to me, lifting her glasses up. She nods happily with a chuckle round her lips.

After than. I took my books out and completed our homeworks together. We shared jokes and ideas. Not realizing how quickly time flies. After an hour of productive time use. We stood up, making our way to the taxi rank to wait for Mom to pick me up.

"Why are you girls standing here? Do you need a ride?" Charlet teased driving past us and her girls giggled.

"No thank you" I fake smiled.

"Just trying to be nice"

"Mom will be here any minute"

"Ow she's a mommy's girl" another girl teased and they both laughed yet again but Ashanty sat quietly.

"Isn't it funny Ashanty" Charlet asked with an expression on her face.

"Guys just leave them alone. Let's bounce." Ashanty annoyed.

"Ow sweety do you wanna find your own ride?" Charlet threatens Ashanty.

"You know what, yeah! I'm getting the hell out of here" She opened the car door and jumped off pissedly.

"You know what Ashanty. Find yourself new friends. You are out" Charlet pumped her car engine and drove off.

Ashanty stood following the car with her eyes. Mouth wide opened, trying to force words out of her mouth but they seemed to be stuck between her vocal folds. holding her bag on the sides, she faced my direction and scoffs.

"I knew they didn't deserve you" I smiled pepping Ashanty's shoulders.

"Those where my childhood bestfriends. You have no idea how much I've just lost." A tear dropped on her cheek.

"Ah! Don't worry, I'm sure they'll come around. And if they don't, I want you to know that we all have cycles of life. Some people are meant to stay in our lives only for a limited period of time. They are those that are good for our energies and those that only drains them. When the time is right for a new cycle. We than release them and start a fresh new life." I advised.

"You're so amazing. Where have you been all my life. I needed friends like you" she giggles.

"Being prepared for your new journey. Now this is our new page. Its upto us to see what our next assignment in life is and how this is meant to teach us and learn from it."

Before she could respond, Mom pulled up on us, giving my friends rides back to their homes.

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