Daren Reappears

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Daren's back in town and I'm supposed to see him today. He claims he's been feeling guilty for everything he's done to me and he wanted to make it up to me.

I called Amber, but you know Amber and her whining. I wonder how her kids would grow up to be in future. "Ellena, I don't think you should go out with that guy again after how he reacted. Something tells me he's upto no good"

"Please Amber just drop it. Daren is a good guy Alright and I like him. He just wants to apologize. That's all"

"Well do you know where he's taking you?"

"Its a surprise He said."

"Just text me your address once you get there okay. Just in case and be careful." I just laughed but she continued yet again "No seriously."

"I could just die you know. No one will even remember me anyway" I said sadly.

"Don't joke like that!" She lectures.

"Okay-okay! Gotta go. Love you, bye"

"Love you too, take care, and have fun" She said lastly before I turned the call off.

I didn't tell anyone at home the truth about where I was going or with who. I lied as usual, that I was going shopping with Amber.

~ • ~

I got a cab until where I've agreed to meet up with Daren. As soon as I got there, I found Daren leaning on his Ford Car. We exchanged smiles but before I got into the car, Daren looked both side ways suspiciously.

As we rode along, the journey was quiet but also soothing with country music. After thirty minutes of driving, I've noticed that we left the City center miles away. I stole a glance from him and asked, "Where are you taking me?"

"Its a surprise" he grinned lightly and his smile calmed my nerves a little. "Just paranoia" I comforted myself.

After an hour drive, he finally turned onto his left, full of trees and abandonment. Eventually we have reached a fully furnished White House.

I hoped out of the car, following Daren inside. The place was full of Video games, Camera Equipments and pictures of beautiful girls stashed on the wall. "What a place you've got here" I nervously sighed placing my hands into my back pockets.

"Yeah. It belonged to my Ex girlfriend."

"Wow. What happened to her?"

"She died" He gazed at me for a minute and moved to the freezer to get what seemed to be beer.

I admired the place as he handed me an opened beer. Still gazing at me like a Lion watches a sheep. I remembered I had to snap pictures of my Location to Amber but the place seemed to have no network.

"Excuse me, I need to use the bathroom" I cleared my throat shyly.

"First door on your right." He directed.

I stood on the toilet pot searching for network but it was useless. "No signal" Is all that's written on my network bar.

Moving my way back into the sitting room, I was starting to really freak out. "What took you so long" He questions.

"Ahm girl's stuff" I sighed faking a smile nervously.

As I sat on the Sofa, Daren moved closer to me and eventually he reached for my lips. I was a bit hesitant but I gave in to the pressure. He lifted me up and placed me onto his bedspread and finally I came back to my senses. "What are you d-doing?" I asked after I noticed him chaining me to the bed.

"What did you think huh? That we would go out to a romantic restaurant and dine with wine?" He Chuckled. "Well not in my world!" He clenched his teeth at me.

I screamed for help but it was pointless anyway. I felt a slap burnt on my cheek and I stopped to catch my breath "Just be quiet bxtch, Don't make this harder for yourself" He slammed my head against the bed.

"Why are you doing this?"

"I said SHUT up!" He yelled.

He removed his trouser slowly, with me laying hopelessly on his big monster bed. He inserted himself roughly into my innocent virginity and started to pound very heavily. I screamed for my life but help seemed to be far away. I burned with passion except my fire was placed in a wrong person and it felt like torture.

He hid me away for the whole day and I knew people where worried about me back home. Each time I tried to escape but everything was locked and I was helpless. I couldn't move an inch after what he did to me. I would try to trick him but he would catch me before I even tried.

Turns out Daren is a lonely useless guy. Who was raised in an orphanage. His parents all died when he was eight, in an incident that involved gunshots and he witnessed their deaths.

After eighteen years when he learned how to hustle for himself, he got a girlfriend called Vanessa. Who cheated on him with his bestfriend and he killed them both. He then started to stalk on the most beautiful girls that resembled her Ex Vanessa and he would trick them into falling for him.

He then rapes and murders them after. Claiming to be punishing all the beautiful women because they where all trash to him. Vanessa died with his soul and from that day on, he never really believed in love. Just by doing all that, he felt powerful and that his love was avenged.

"I'm sorry you got yourself into this mess" He said to me pointing a gun over my head with not a single PITY written on his face.

"Please, Don't kill me. I promise I won't say a word about all this" I begged.

He Chuckled like a mad man but his face returned back to its serious form, like an ugly monster he is. "I don't believe you and it's too late for that. The police is all over the place looking for you and your face is all over the City. I'm sorry I can't let go you go alive or I'm finished, knowing you've already seen my face. It took me years to form my image."

"Ple-please" I cried.

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