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I've finally decided to tell the whole truth, about the Facebook account, the date and all the terrors.

The police has been asking me a lot of questions lately and made sure to tighten security around Ellena's house and mine, just to ensure safety.

It's been a week now since Ella's disappearance and her family has been blaming me for their daughter's disappearance. For not telling them anything sooner, especially Adrian who I had a fling with.

I mean I could not just go back to Ellena's words but now I think its time to tell them everything. Maybe it would help with the investigation.

At first I thought maybe she ran away to rest for a bit. It was holiday and she always wanted to travel to the coast for holidays but her parents never let her. The fact that she wasn't returning any of my calls I figured she was in serious trouble. I'm the only person that Ellena has ever trusted and if she just ran away, she would've told me.

Her parents filed a missing person's case and fliers with Ellena's face circulated around the city. It says, "Big reward for who ever finds this missing girl. Please help us find our baby girl"

The photo they used of her was so jolly. She had her braces removed but her glasses where on and her smile made me miss her.

I remembered taking that picture. I just met her then. She was so shy and full of fear. She spend most of her time locked inside her room reading books or rather watching TV.

Until one day in eleventh grade when she's decided that she'd enough. She was so desperate to be like the popular girls in school and it all started with three mean girls. Who made her life a living hell.

I guess she was tired of being called names, I guess she was tired of feeling like a loser, I guess she was tired of being made a laughing stock.

Such things pushed her to the limits and made her a completely different person. She started sharing every bit of information with strangers. Until one day when she met a desperate stranger. A hot dude that made her want to experience the feeling of satisfaction.

Did I warn her about the stranger? Of course I did but she never listened.

Now here I am worried. Not knowing whether she was kidnapped, murdered or simply just ran away from all of this.

I remembered her telling me she was meeting the Daren guy. The innocent looking Daren. I searched on the internet but there was nothing on that guy. He doesn't exist. No friends, no family pictures, nothing fun. Just one picture and creepy landscapes. I mean he's got to have a personal account right?

I finally stopped to catch my breath after explaining everything to Adrian. Who seemed surprised by every single word I said.

"Wow I never thought my sister could end up doing such a thing. She was too innocent" Adrian narrowed his eyes at me, walking up and down the room.

"Me neither" I squeezed my hands together stood to see myself out. I kissed Adrian on the shoulder and headed out.


"Find anything on the Daren guy yet?" I asked my Mom after reaching home.

"No, it's a dead end. We could trace his phone but his Facebook account is already deleted" She sighs.

"OMG, Ellena is in grieve danger" I bewildered my eyes and opened my mouth roundly.

"Don't say that" Mom lectures.

"I can just feel it Mom. It's been a week now and there's no news about Ellena. I mean where could she be. I know Ellena. She would never just run away" I bit my lip taking in a slice of snack.

"The NPD is doing everything honey. You just need to have faith and pray that wherever your friend is, she's safe."

"Yeah, already did that. Never worked"

"Don't say that!" Mom lectures me yet again.

I walked down the hallway to my room and stood on my bedroom window. Watching as the sunlight leaves shadows on my desk. It was a beautiful day, a bit windy but also chilly. Arms folded, legs crossed I leaned calmly on the wall and raised my focus outside. "Ellena, where are you?" I wondered as I observed the wind moving every little detail in the background.

After a few minutes of mental breakdown I turned my room into a war room and prayed. "God if not her life please just let her be found. If it's not too late, Wherever she is please keep her safe. Bring my bestfriend back home. In one piece"

I laid on my bed sobbing silently, completely helpless. Ellena's disappearance has been eating me up slowly. I just needed to hear three words "She's found safe" and then I would be free.

Ellena has shown me kindness ever since I moved to this new big city. She's been more like a sibling I never had and we shared so much together. She was different from all the friends I had in the past.

My past friends were all about competitions. Our friendships were all built on " Who had the most expensive shoes, who dressed well. Who's the most active and feared the most. Who's the most beautiful girl. Who's the most wanted. Whose parents owned nice houses and cars. The bonds were built for the material world and never about the heart."

But Ashanty, Ellena and I, was something different. Everything was all from the heart. It was about caring for each other, understanding each other even when we're all wrong. It was about joy and laughter. It was about looking out for each other and backing each other up on rough situations. It was a siblings tie. She was my ride or die.

The kind of friendship I would never trade for anything. Even if I had to go miles away from them, I could still go back there and remember every single memory we shared.

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