Ellena on a diet

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"The world smiles when you do|Unknown"


"AMBER? ASHANTY?" Ellena called to us.

"Ahm.. what's up Ellena?" I've been waiting for this moment. I wonder what she has to say now. I thought to myself.

"Yes tell us" Ashanty begged impatiently.

Ellena, stuttered, with the words struggling to come out of her mouth.

"ELLENAA?" I called swapping my hands through her eyes.

"Would, ahm, would you.....guys...like to join me for gym sessions?"

Ashanty and I exchanged glances, holding our laughs in.

"That's it! I knew you would laugh at me." She rolled her eyes and threw her spoon back into her plate.

"No Ellena! It's not even funny. I'm glad you finally came around" We both smiled and came together for a group hug.

"Well session starts tomorrow" She said in excitement.

"What? Why so fast? " Ashanty queried suspiciously.

"Yeah, what's the big deal? I didn't even buy gym clothes yet" I sided with Ashanty making faces.

" We can go shopping now. I need to be fit before valentines day"

Ashanty and I exchanged glances yet again. "Wow, someone's got a date" we both laughed in unison.

"Oe please! Shut up!" We both laughed yet again and excused ourselves to the mall.


All day long we exchanged jokes and laughter and clocks ticked by faster. Few moments later, I noticed Ellena making comparisons with our bodies. She stood still in the mirror, making forms with her hands round her tummy. I could hear her cursing.

"Charlet is right. I'm such a pig" She frowns.

I moved closer to her and prepped her back. I looked myself through the mirror and said to her.

"You know what Ellena, being beautiful doesn't mean that you have to be physically attractive. Your soul is your beauty. You have no idea how beautiful and smart you are. You do not need to depend on people for your own beauty. You're the most beautiful person I have ever met."

"You know you're only saying that to make me feel better right? You don't need to keep lying to me. I feel it and I see it. You don't understand" A tear dropped on her cheek.

"That's not true Ella. I understand what it feels like to be different. You're beautiful just the way you are. I want you to continue being kind to yourself, just the way you're kind to the world."

"I'm scared, the world has already made me cold. I've learned to live with all their insults."

"Don't you ever let them win. You're stronger than this. You have survived all those years. You're strong, brave and outstanding. I need you to see that in yourself."

"I wish I had your life and body. Then I would be happy". She giggles.

"You can be and have anything you want in life Ella. You just have to work hard for it" I softened her cheek.

"What would I do without you" She smiles yet. Again.

"What did I miss" Ashanty queried.

"You're always preoccupied with everything Ashanty. That's why you miss out on everything." I laughed.

"Fill me in" she begs.

"Ah! Forget it. Let's check out" Ellena giggles.

I've noticed something about Ellena. She doesn't seem very pleased seeing me with Ashanty. She always gets jealous.

"I'm afraid she might steal you away from me" she whispers.

"Not going anywhere" I whispered back while Ashanty stood, buts sticking out at the counter flirting with the manager.

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