Moving On!

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Our final results finally came out and my results where impressive. Ashanty's too. She has been admitted to the CSA University abroad. And she was to book her ticket in a week time. I couldn't be any happier.

What's Sad was that Ellena Passed with flying colours. She got A's in all her subjects. Tears slowly fell down on my cheeks as I read her name again repeatedly from the newspaper.

"I can't believe she's gone Mom. I mean life is so cruel. We could've gone to PTL together, get jobs and travel the world together. Is it really fair?"

"Honey, I believe she's at a safe place now."

That's my Mom, she always tries to lie to my face. To make me feel better. She still sees me as her little girl, although I'm a grown ass woman now.

"I mean all she ever wanted was to fit in. She didn't ask for any of this. It's not fair Mom "I cried out loud yet again.

"Well, everything happens for a reason and sometimes only God knows why" Mom softens, holding in her tears.

After few moments of silence Mom finally decided to change the topic. "So did you make up your mind yet?"

I raised my focus back to her, playing with my fingers. "About what?"

"University. What you're going to study?"

"Mom, do we really have to talk about this now?" I sighed.

"I think its time Amber. You know you can't keep running away from the subject forever. You only have one week to go"

"Yeah I know" I narrowed my eyes down, thinking with all pretence.

"Yeah? What are you going to study?" Mom queried yet again, not giving up.

"Criminal Justice" I finally signed stealing gazes from her.

"What, you're kidding right?"

"No Mommy. I'm not" I said holding in a laugh. Her facial expressions made me want to die of laughter but I could also irritate her and it wouldn't end well between us.

"But honey, what happened to Accounting? I thought You wanted to be an Accountant.You know work for me." She scoffs.

"No, that's what you wanted Mom."

"Well isn't that what you've always wanted?" She let out her confused look.

"You never gave me a chance to actually think about what I really wanted Mommy"

She stood quietly for a moment, simply speechless. "You know your grades are really good. You would make a good Accountant!"

"Just give it up Mom. I've already made up my mind. I'm gonna be a Detective!"

"Oh now I know what this is about!" She raised her voice at me. "Why don't you just let it go. Are you gonna let your dreams crush all because of the injustices done to your friend?"

"She deserves justice Mom"

"Do you think that's what she would've wanted for you"

"I'm sure she would want me to atleast try"

"That won't bring her back baby. Just let her go. We have all lost people we love but we have learnt to live without them. It's not worth it"

"I'm going to stop them Mom. All of them. I know this is not what you want for me but please just let me do it. I have never felt so pulled to do something this hard before. I want to make sure that justice is served for all. Please Mommy".

Mom moved closer to me and squeezed my shoulders. Not what I was expecting though. I expected a slap for the world. "Its your decision honey. I'm sure you'll make a good Agent/ Detective or whatever. You're a nice person. Whatever decision you make I will support you"

"Thanks Mommy"

What more could I ask for. An understanding Mother is a priceless gift that anyone could ever ask for. I believe we all deserve the right to make our own decisions and choose what we feel pulled to and not depend on what the world has for us as perfect.

I'm just glad the University is closer to where we live. Although I'm gonna have to move into hostel but then I could always find ways to come home. I'm guessing Mom will hire someone to wash, cook and clean for her since she hardly had time for all that. She is a busy business woman, who hardly even have time for herself.

Sometimes it makes me wanna cry watching her hustling with her job every single day. I mean a human body needs to rest, do something fun or spend an evening home cooking your favorite dish.

I just hope one day she'll learn how to rest and know that her business would not runaway if she stayed a day home, taking care of her body and skin.

Ever since Dad left, it was always about me and her and she had then worked so hard to make sure we have everything. She's my mentor and someday I wish to make her proud.

I was admitted to Accounting but then I've decided to change it to Criminal Justice. To be a detective. I'll make sure I find Darren and I'll make him pay for what he did to my friend.

I never actually knew what I wanted to study but I felt pulled to do this. To make sure no more injustices are done in my City as long as I served as a detective. It's going to be a bumpy road but I'm willing to go all in.

~ • ~

University had just begun and it's going to take me four whole years to be a qualified Detective. Everything seemed far different from high school but my course was also very fun and interesting. I didn't see how the years went by so fast until I found myself interning at the NPD. I got crazy cases everyday but I was always under cover. They never actually gave me real cases yet.

Soon enough the bumpy road of sleepless nights has finally come to an end and I was to start my first job in the field in two weeks time.

~ • ~

Moral of the story, Be careful what you wish for. Sometimes what looks like sugar might actually turn out to be salt.

The End| Part One!!!!!

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