The day I met Ellena

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Tomorrow is Monday and I'll be a senior. I couldn't wait to start this new journey and meet new friends.

I jumped up in excitement and packed my school bag, ironed my uniform. I just received it from the school. {A black and white umbrella short skirt with a white short sleeved buttoned shirt of which I probably had to tuck in to fit with my dark blue blazer }.

After admiring my new set of clothing, I strolled back to the sitting room to watch TV together with my family.

"Amber are you excited about tommorrow" Mom asked.

"Sort of" I giggled.

"Dont worry honey, I'm sure you will meet a lot of good new people" Mon smirked.

I smiled back and hugged each one of them goodnight and headed back to my room. I thought of how tomorrow would be until I woke up to my 6 a.m. alarm.

I jumped off my sheets, made my bed and cleaned up as fast as I could. I slid on my cool uniform, grabbed my bag and marched to the kichen to have breakfast. Where I found Mom engaged deep into the early daily newspaper.

"Good Morning Mom" I greeted pouring tea from the kettle.

"Morning baby. How did you sleep" She lifted her face up, looking down her glasses with a smile on her pretty face.

"Like a baby"

"Be fast. I don't wanna be late today"

I kissed mandy goodbye and headed to the garage to sit still in the car waiting for Mom to put her seatbelts on.

When I got to school. Everything looked a bit different. I stood still, in the middle of the hall, watching everyone rush to the morning bells. Some running, and others walking chatting slowly.

A chabby yet pretty and shy girl bumped into me. Her books collided onto the floor and everybody stopped to stare.

"I'm so sorry" She nervously apologized.

I stood still, watching everybody laughing and calling her names. I kneeled down and helped her up.

I smiled at her and said to her " It's okay. I'm Amber by the way. What's your name?"

"Ellena" She fastens her glasses back on and turned around her back on me.

"Wait" I said. "I'm new here. Would you be kind enough to show me to Mr Gaoses's class." I begged.

"Me" She asks.

"Yes, you"

"Okay" she shyly showed off her braces teeth in agreeson.

All way long she stole shy gazes from me and looked back in front.

"Are you scared of me" I asked.

"I'm just happy. You seem very nice. Everybody in this school laughs at me and I haven't been able to get any friends. Because of my weight and everybody calls me names because of my background." She sniffed holding her books tight.

"That's so mean. Well you've got a friend in me now" I extended my hand to reach hers.

Before she could say a word. I opened my lab door and found myself a seat. sitting next to Ellena. Everyone looked at us as we entered the science lab but we ignored the glances.

Break time. I had no idea where to seat and everybody looked preoccupied and engaged in chats. Far in the corner I saw Ellena sitting alone, eating shyly and I strolled to join her.

"This seat taken" I asked.

"I'm the only one that sits here" She replies.

A pitty deep feeling felt within me and I smiled making her comfortable.
"Well. Makes the two of us now" I chuckled for permission.

Break time went by so fast. We talked about all the weird things in the world. Got to know each other and cracked to our own jokes. Clocks ticked by faster and I couldn't wait for tomorrow.

On my way back home I waited for my ride and Ellena took a bus home.

"How was your first day being a senior?" Mom asked with a concerned look on her face.

"Awesome Mom. I met a friend" I smirked.

"Already?" Her mouth widened, with her hands brought along to her waist.

"What's my name Mom" I joked.

"Amber" She smiled back, giving me a happy expression vivid through her eyes.

I didn't realize how late it was until I was greated by the evening stars when I moved an inch to close the windows.

*Hiii guys. I'm back with a new book. Hope you enjoy it and its really important if you stay until the end. Alot of exciting experiences and lessons will be learned.*
To anyone feeling unloved, I love you.

Hugs and kisses

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