Certain Things

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    "What are you gonna do with that, doc?" I asked as I stepped into the lab a few days later. "It looks pretty vibrant."

    Over the past few days, I'd been injected with a series of chemical solutions that, over the course of a few hours, improved my strength and physical abilities. The injections were followed by testing, supervised by Agent Carter and Sergeant Duffy, on the training track through different series of tasks, seeing if my problem-solving had improved as well as my sharp-shooting aim and physical strength.

    Even if all the information was practically offered to me on a plate—Dr. Erskine claimed that I could be trusted with the results—I failed to determine why they were testing me in the first place. I once overheard Dr Erskine talking to Peggy about how the testing was only the beginning of the project; if a woman could withstand the effects of the many different chemical solutions, then an average man should, too, and that was what they were planning to do. I had yet to figure out why, but I was determined to get to that information.

    Dr Erskine smiled as he saw me enter, and placed the test tube, filled with bright scarlet liquid, on the table. "Morning, Ms Calaway. I see you've got a good night's sleep. Are you finding the beds comfortable?"

    "It's better than sleeping on the streets," I replied and went to start taking my clothes off, like I'd done many times before, when the doctor stopped me.

    "That won't be necessary today."

    I froze mid-action, shock making it as if I lost my ability to form words. "Then what are we doing today?"

    He motioned for me to sit on the surgery table before grasping my shoulders and laying me down. "Today's experiment will most likely prove more physically strenuous than the others. The injection is filled with liquid that's composed of particles which should improve your mentality, your way of thought."

    "I thought my mentality had already improved? Duffy and Carter were pretty impressed when I succeeded to hit every target in their shooting area without ever holding a gun before," I smiled as I reflected on my achievements from a few days prior.

    "Not exactly," the doctor explained. "You see, that serum enhanced your capabilities, not your way of thinking. Whatever you think is good now, you will think even better of it. Whatever bad is in you, will become worse. But, luckily, I don't think I have to worry about the latter with you."

    I felt honoured that he praised me, but I was still afraid of what the liquid would do to me. Would the newest serum hurt? How permanent would the effects be? What if I became a completely different person because of it?

    Almost as if reading my horrified expression, Dr Erskine chuckled and said, "Don't worry, a few chemical additions cannot change who you are inside."

    How did he know?

    A thought passed my mind, and, although I planned to find out what they intended to do with the results of my tests on my own, I couldn't help myself from asking about it. "Doctor, are all these serums connected with each other?"

    Doctor's hands froze in mid-air as he was writing something down, and I noticed he hesitated to answer. Abraham Erskine was a kind and honest man, and he rarely kept anything from me; his stern reaction was understandable, given that he had probably sworn to work on his project under secrecy.

    "This information is meant to be classified," he eventually said. "I believe you've already been told too much, don't you think? I can't risk getting you in trouble, now."

    The way he spoke sent shivers down my spine since I rarely heard him say anything in that tone. His words were direct, but not unkind. Even though I knew what he spoke of was for my benefit, I wanted to know more. "But why? Why do you decide to tell me some things and completely ignore the point of others? What good does that do for you or me?"

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