Diary Entries

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     December 18th, 1943

     The first day of our mission has come to an end, with the whole of the Howling Commandos getting ready to rest. The first Hydra facility proved to be a challenge unlike any other. Although it started rocky regarding my position on the squad, I proved myself to be useful. I showed the men to not underestimate my worth, and I will continue to do so often enough that the men never forget it.

     Having James as my rock feels safe and sturdy like no harm could happen to me. Although I have to remind him of his promise to treat me equally and not exclude me from the missions, I know he just wants me to be safe. As of right now, however, it seems that the Sergeant has some unholy business in mind. Maybe, it is to make up for the early doubt.

     December 19th, 1943

     The morning is foggy and damp, just like any other. The men were still asleep when I woke up, but I simply could not sleep any longer.

     Last night with James was... spectacular. That doesn't even encompass everything I feel. I finally know what true love feels like, something I've seldom believed I was capable of experiencing. From time to time, I bring myself to think that it's not real, but James never leaves me in doubt for too long. I can still remember the way his fingers lingered on every part of my untouched skin, his gentle kiss slowly travelling across my lips, and his loose hair falling over his crystal eyes. The way his teeth sparkled when he smiled at the sound of my moans and the way he simply... lost himself in me. I remember our bodies melting against each other as the tent became as hot and humid as the summer air. I can say with certainty that this was a night I'll never forget.

     Today is the second day of our mission, and, I admit, I am feeling dangerously excited. We have a long day of walking ahead, so the danger is not anywhere close. For now. However, the day is still young.

     December 25th, 1943

     Today is Christmas morning, and it amazes me that I am the farthest from home than I've ever been. Steve and I came to the conclusion that we were not going to attack on Christmas morning, which was not something we could say for the opposing Armies. No truce like the one on Christmas Eve of 1914 has ever been agreed upon, but I like to think we can obtain a shred of human decency and hope that the enemy will do the same.

     I have a present for James. My mom once taught me how to carve a little, wooden wolf out of timber, so that's what I did. There are a few small mistakes, but I think it came out really well. I hope he'll like it.

     After Christmas ends, we have a scheduled attack on a Hydra facility about 6 miles north from here. We were informed of a parcel regarding the serum being sent toward this location by a party of two trucks and a tank, and we were ordered to eliminate or intercept it. Jacques proved to find himself very well with handling explosives, so this side-mission shouldn't be a problem.

     December 31st, 1943

     This New Year's shall, apparently, be spent at one of our military bases in the northeast of Austria. We were heading east towards Czechoslovakia where the next Hydra base was located while our U.S. troops were going to Monte Cassino, Italy as an ally to the Italian Army against Germany. Quite recently, Italy declared war on Germany of the Axis Powers after surrendering to the Allies, but now, they were in dire need of help. We've been here two days, waiting for safe passage through the countries.

     James was telling me about his first time staying up until midnight for New Year's Eve and about the time he first saw fireworks light up in the sky. He was eight years old and was walking across the city with his mom and sisters when the fireworks started cracking. His dad was sent overseas at that time. I tried to imagine James, as a kid and it, honestly, wasn't that hard, seeing how his gentle eyes and facial features, sometimes, still resembled those of a child. Despite our situation, this New Year's is probably going to be one of my favourites.

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