The Final Discussion

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     "You think we should go in to check on the guys?" I asked and handed Peggy the cigarette we were sharing in the back lawn of the building.

     "Ugh," Peggy rolled her eyes and had a smoke, after which she coughed immediately. Neither of us was an active smoker, but we couldn't think of another way to soothe our nerves. "I suppose we should. Although, I think we can agree that it's not gonna be the most pleasurable moment in the world, right?"

     "Definitely. But we do have a plan to make, and I need your special blondie at my side since he's the supposed leader of our unit."

     "Do please stop calling him that. After seeing him with that wench... He always wanted to be a soldier, and now he is, just like all the rest of them," she spoke while she puffed out the heavy cloud of smoke.

     I could hardly believe Steve to act the way he did. He admitted he was frightened by women, and he looked completely mesmerized by Peggy whenever they encountered each other, so why in the world would he advance on a different woman? And a secretary at most! Dammit, Lorraine.

     And Howard, gosh, I expected anything but to have such a rash fallout with him. I thought I was being obvious by rejecting his advances, and yet, he was as butthurt as a child whose mom didn't buy a toy at the carnival. I didn't even know how it'd be when I'd have to face him again. Seriously, with as many women he had his fun with, he had to orient his interest on me? I wanted a peaceful relationship with Barnes, but it seemed Howard was set on being a huge boulder in our way.

     To anyone thinking that the military staff was operating completely without drama, there were me and Peggy proving them all wrong.

     It wasn't our proudest moment—hiding at the back where the dumpsters were, smoking a cigarette I snatched from Monty when he passed me in the halls. We were just so beaten up by the actions of Howard and Steve that we didn't know what else to do. Being constantly surrounded by work and duties hardly left us any time to just enjoy each other's company and gossip or complain as all the secretaries did.

     She handed me the rest of the smoke before saying, "Come on, let's go check."

     I took in the last smoke and put down the bud in the dirt by my feet before following Peggy inside. By the time we reached the lab, the nicotine-filled air surrounding us dispersed. As we waltzed in, we caught Steve testing out the shields. His eyes fell upon a round, vibranium shield that Howard made as a prototype some time ago.

     Peggy marched on, interrupting their talk. "You quite finished, Mr. Stark?" she asked, sounding very long-windedly. "I'm sure the Captain has some unfinished business."

     Steve's expression lit up as he saw her, clearly clueless of her dismissive tone, and he turned to her, shield in hand. He pranced proudly. "What do you think?"

     He looked almost like a little boy getting ready for his first day of school. I thought it looked cute. Peggy obviously must've had different thoughts; she immediately picked up the nearest pistol and fired four shots directly in the middle of Steve's shield. Thankfully, he raised the shield to prevent the bullet from penetrating his body; otherwise, he'd regret kissing Lorraine a lot more.

     Everyone's eyes were oriented on the furious brunette as she threw the gun back to its place, not any less angry than before. "Yes," she scoffed, "I think it works." I had to cover my mouth to conceal my escaping chuckles, but I was proud of my best friend.

     "Could you take it from here? I think I'll go talk to the Colonel," she said to me, avoiding looking at my chuckling face.

     "Sure, Peggy. Go for it," I replied and tapped her shoulder approvingly before she walked away.

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