The Beginning

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     The plane ride the next day was dreadful. The aeroplane seats, even if coated in leather, were uncomfortable for such a long amount of time. My gaze was constantly oriented towards the window behind my head. I couldn't enjoy the pretty view of colourful clouds that were beginning to immerge from the night sky the more the sun began to rise; instead, I wanted to make sure no one was going to fire an ambush on us like last time. I didn't realise it until then, but I seemed to have developed a fear of planes.

     James sat next to me the whole time, thoughtfully caressing my knuckles with his smooth fingers. The men eyed his motion, in the beginning, but they stopped minding it soon enough. They must've known about James' proposal before he extended it to me, so James' affection towards me shouldn't have surprised them.

     Eventually, we crossed the borders of Austria, which meant we were getting close to our destination. After circling one of the forests a few times, our pilot determined he couldn't find a clearing to land and ordered us to strap on our parachutes. I groaned quietly to myself as the others stood. The mission was beginning to feel a lot like the last one. Hopefully, we'd have fewer casualties and more victories.

     "Come on," James pulled me after him. "Let's get your chute on."

    He spun me around and equipped me with a parachute. His arms sneaked along my sides as he snapped the straps together. Even through the puffy material of my uniform jacket, I could feel the heat of his hands.

     "Thanks," I said softly. "But I could've done it myself."

     "With those fidgeting hands, I think it's better I make sure that you're safely strapped. Wouldn't want to lose ya in the first five minutes," he joked.

     After he was done with me, he grabbed his own chute. I turned my attention to the others as I glanced at the men's faces. They all looked uninterested, dull, bored, even like they were getting ready to go grocery shopping. Dugan leaned to the walls of the interior, glancing at his watch; he seemed eager to get going. Was I the only one freaking out?

     "Are you nervous at all?" I nudged James slightly.

     "Not really," he responded and clasped the last strap. "I've done this countless times before. You just have to make sure you open the chute in time."

     I rolled my eyes. "I didn't mean the jump. I meant about the mission."

     "Oh," he awkwardly scratched the back of his neck. "I guess I am a little bit, but I have a fair share of missions behind me, and this one is not much different. The sooner we finish it, the sooner we'll have our peace back."

     "Do you genuinely believe in the war ending one day?" I sighed and collapsed back in my seat.

     "Belief is all a soldier has, sweetheart," he said scornfully. "He loses that, he'll lose the war."

     I couldn't help but smile at his uplifting spirit. James was always like that. He must've been, at least, a little bit nervous, but he didn't show it for my sake because showing it would mean upsetting me more. It was all the little things, like checking on my well-being, often saying goodbye with a kiss on the cheek, and comforting me during the ride, that made me fall for him hard. I felt flushed. Maybe, the next time he kissed me, it would be just on the cheek anymore.

     I shook my head to concentrate after seeing that the men had gathered by the exit with Rogers standing in front.

     "Try to stay inside the hundred-meter perimeter when landing! Our goal Hydra base is only about a mile away!" he was shouting, his voice drowned out by the plane's engines and the loud ripping of the wind. "I'll meet you down there!"

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