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     Eventually, Steve decided to go home and rest for his appointment in the morning. Even if I was supposed to be at the office early, I decided to have a late-night out and stay with James for a little while longer.

     We decided to head out on a stroll by the river after the pianist's gig ended. We said goodbye to the men who insisted on staying in and drinking some more, despite their obvious dizziness, and we left the pub hand-in-hand. Even on a cold night, I was warm with adrenaline, some of it was from dancing, though most was because of the way James's arm rested over my shoulders. The moon was out that night; it was big and shined brightly against the dark, night sky, illuminating our figures while we walked down the riverbank. The water was calmer than usual, so we could enjoy the romantic atmosphere that was enhanced by the serene silence, ignoring some inevitable noises of the big city.

     "It's beautiful tonight," I sighed as I clung to his side and leaned my head on his shoulder. I felt him lean his head against my hazel curls.

     "It's always beautiful when with the right person," James replied, and I felt him squeeze my shoulder just a little bit tighter.

     Some stray locks hid my cherry cheeks; although, I wondered if James could feel the heat of my body or hear the beating of my heart.

     We came to a stop at a bench nearby and sat down, still huddled with each other to keep warm from the cool breeze coming from the seaside. James' arm remained draped across my shoulders as I cuddled into his torso. I'd never been so close to a man before, at least not willingly, so it was a strange yet beautiful feeling. I felt the butterflies in my stomach going crazy with their fluttering.

     "Do you think Steve will be alright?" James asked suddenly. "I don't know what you two talked about, but he seemed troubled."

     I didn't know if I was just surprised or offended that he was thinking about Steve when the two of us were out alone. I understood that he was trying to take care of his best friend, but it seemed he hadn't noticed that Steve was very well capable of taking care of himself.

     "He'll be fine; he's a big boy, now," I commented sarcastically and hoped I didn't come off as selfish. "Why do you worry?"

     "He was never this determined about something ever since he tried to get in the Army. I know he wants to be of help, but it's more than that now. Something's really powering him up," he spoke, deep in thought.

     "That Schmidt fella has got us all constantly on guard, lately. He's got more inside men that you'd dare to think; that's why he's just like a... a... parasite of some sort. You can't get rid of him unless you destroy his nest," I commented. "Steve's right to go after him. Besides, he won't be alone. He'll have you and me and Dugan and Gabe and all the others right there with him fighting our common enemy. The SSR's been acting crazy over Shmidt ever since the war began; I'm glad we're finally making some progress."

     "I seriously hope we manage to knock that Kraut down," he said with gritted teeth. "I just want all of this to be over."

     "I thought you liked being a soldier?"

     He smiled sourly. "I'm proud to defend my country, but I'm sure as hell not happy to be a part of the war. If I could describe it in one word, I'd choose 'hell'. It's always old men arguing while young men die because, in the end, it always ends in a fight. When this is all over, my only wish is to go back to New York, marry, have children, watch them grow, and live the life I was supposed to have before it all began."

     He then proceeded to grab my hand and kiss it. I wondered the reasoning behind the romantic action, but it appeared he did it just because he felt like it. It was much too early in whatever relationship we had going on for him to have possibly been thinking that I would be that woman in his life.

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