December 16th

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     Each of us successfully landed on the hood of the train with an echoing thud. The wind blew hard against our weights, but we managed to not get blown off by sticking low and on our knees. Steve gazed over his shoulder and motioned us to move forward, which was harder than I thought. It was as I predicted; the roof was almost completely frozen due to the freezing wind and moving without sliding proved to be difficult. I almost lost my balance once or twice. I kept telling myself to focus on Gabe's steps in front of me; if his moves didn't make him lose his balance, then repeating them should've kept me safe.

     We finally came across a hatch in our way. Steve shattered the lock with the razor-sharp edge of his shield and sneaked inside. James took one last glance at me and sent me an assuring smile before following his best friend. Gabe and I stayed on the roof to survey on the top of the train and guard the passage from any undesired activity on the top that could've stopped us from completing the mission. Even if I was freezing to the bone, I occupied myself with the thought of trusting that James will be safe.

     That was until I heard the gunshots coming from the inside and the unmistakable cries of Steve and James for each other. I tensed immediately and instinctively moved closer to the hatch, prepared to back up the men if needed. Flashes of bright blue flashed before my eyes as strikes of blue missiles lit up the interior of the wagon, and I knew I couldn't just stand there and let it happen.

     "I'm going in!" I shouted to Gabe.

     "What? No, you're no— Willow!" He barely had time to react before I jumped inside. The landing was hard on my knees, but, due to the adrenaline and my motherly instinct, I failed to feel it.

     Almost immediately I had to avoid a streak of blue fired towards me from my left, and I swiftly rolled to the side to see where it came from. A Hydra agent in a head-to-toe battlesuit held a massive gun oriented directly towards my head. I had to think fast. At one side was a series of shelves that held cargo above the rumbling vibrations of the floor caused by the train's immensely fast speed; to my other side, was the wall. I was stuck. One of the cargo boxes was within reach of my right foot, so I booted it towards my enemy, causing the soldier to stumble and topple over another body already lying motionless on the floor. I reached for my gun only to hear a shot already fired at the enemy's head. I flinched when I heard steps behind me, only to see it was Steve who fired the bullet.

     "Nice entrance, but you really shouldn't be here." He held out a hand for me and pulled me onto my feet. I was both annoyed and glad to see him; although, I wondered why James wasn't by his side. That was when I heard the sound of a shot being fired and saw more blue light coming from the other side of the door that separated the wagons. My eyes widened.

     "He's in there alone?" I gasped and quickly jumped to the side to take a peek through the glass window in the middle.

     I saw James' back, his stance low as he hid behind a mountain of cargo crates to avoid the missiles shot by the enemy. He was trying desperately to shoot the Hydra soldier, equipped with the same suit and weapon as the one I faced. The heavy armour made it almost impossible for bullets to penetrate, and I knew that, at some point, James would run out of bullets.

     "We have to help him," I said frantically and distanced from the door to calculate a way to open the door.

     "You don't have to help anyone. I'll go in." Steve ushered us to the side and kept me shielded against the wall. The shove was harsh against my back.

     "What's your problem, Rogers? I just saved your ass back there!" I argued and attempted to push him off me only to be slammed back by his shield.

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