The Warning

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     Sunlight illuminated the lower part of the bed, shadows of the blanket playing when I moved my feet to get up. I sat on the edge and stretched, feeling the one-week tension float away. I stretched, arching my back and tilting my head upward at the ceiling, and got a headache in response. I scrunched my face together as the ache got more intense. It took me a second to figure out why my head was fuzzy. Right, I drank last night. Then, I heard shuffling of the sheets behind me, and I twitched slightly when Howard entered my vision.

     "Morning," he groaned as he turned over his side to look at me, his eyelids still heavy. "How did you sleep?"

     "Howard!" I exclaimed in surprise and held my forehead as I stared at him. I nearly forgot about the part of the long evening where we slept together. It was a pleasant sight, though, seeing Howard Stark lying shirtless in my bed.

     "That would be my name, yes, but I liked it much better when you were moaning it last night," he winked at me as I proceeded to cover my face in shame. "Aw, don't be like that. You're not sorry, are you?"

     I scoffed, uncovering my face. "No. Although, I am ashamed because I barely remember any of it in detail. We drank quite a lot yesterday."

     "C'mere," he invited me to his side. I crawled under the sheets eagerly, tucking myself as close to him as I could. In my attempt at gently seducing the man back into his former state he'd been in only hours ago, I realized that, while I was wearing a shirt and the bottom part of my underwear, he was still completely bare. "Don't worry, there'll be other times. As long as you don't regret it, I'll come here whenever you'll want. Or go, if you won't want me."

     I could only smile and agree. There was only one thing I knew with certainty; I needed last night to happen. I let myself be loved once again, and it felt good. I felt relaxed, unburdened.

     I wasn't in love with Howard, that much I knew, but I still felt a great connection between us, which would've, maybe, someday turned into deep, heartfelt love. Even without love, I still felt like I could've trusted him with just about anything. Sooner or later, my life was going to bring me to a point when I'd need to trust another person, so why not start sooner rather than later? Putting him in danger was the last thing I wanted, but I knew there was still one more thing that won't let me be completely relaxed.

     "Howard, can I trust you? I mean, really trust you?" I whispered as I trailed my nails across his chest.

    A playful grin formed at the edge of his lips. "I've told you many times, Willow, I'd give my life for you. Of course, you can trust me."

    "I... I found Zola's hideout the other day, and I know what you think," I hurried to explain as I saw him sighing in annoyance, "I was being reckless, and I was being a fool, but I'm telling the truth. Zola is hiding under S.H.I.E.L.D., and he's got a weapon. I don't know how he made him, but—"

     "Him?" Howard cut me off and raised himself on his elbows. "He made... a person?"

     "I think he trained him or brainwashed, maybe. The man does whatever the doctor commands him to do," I thought.

     "And you've seen that lab and this man, but you've come out alive?" he asked in disbelief.

     "This all happened a week ago; that's how I got the bruise. I managed to escape, but that's when Zola yelled something after me. He said I can't tell anyone; otherwise, he will know, and he will hurt the ones I love most, and it drove me crazy. I can't explain in words just how paranoid I was over these last couple of days. He hasn't done anything, yet, so I think it's safe to tell you, but you need to keep this a secret. I will figure out how to stop him myself, understand?" I raised a finger at his face. "Life is just... too good right now."

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