In Charge

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While the candidates were left to settle in their barracks before training began early the next morning, Peggy and I had obligations to talk about with Colonel Phillips. We made our way towards his office after the reception to discuss our first impressions of the recruits.

"That was one hell of a punch, Willy," Peggy chuckled once we entered the safety of the office walls and noticed the Colonel wasn't present, yet.

"He got on my nerves," I lifted my arms in defence. "It's not like you wouldn't have done the same if you had the chance."

"I didn't say that. Although, my punch probably wouldn't have sent him flying to the ground. I'm not an enhanced individual, unlike yourself," she said, leaning against the wall.

"Right," I sighed, "I tend to forget about that."

"That's alright, you'll get used to it. Just be careful not to break anyone's bones on your first day," she teased.

The door opened to admit the Colonel and Dr Erskine. Phillips was never the happiest man on the planet, and, at that moment, he looked particularly upset.

"Who the hell let you enlist a 90-pound asthmatic into my Army base, doc?" he said with his forever-loud, hoarse voice; I was understandably on edge.

"You'll see in a week's time. I don't make mistakes, Colonel," Dr Erskine spoke in a calm voice, looking at the ground, and tipped his hat once he reached me and Peggy.

"We'll see about that," the Colonel scowled at him and then turned to Peggy and me who were patiently waiting for orders. "Alright, ladies, here are your schedules and duties for the upcoming week. Calaway, I already told you to not show off the serum enhancements; it is not my job to remind you of that. We don't exactly want the soldiers to know that our first official testee was a woman, no offence." It was kinda offensive, but I let it slide. "You packed one hell of a punch, though, good job. It's time we train those puppies into Army dogs."

"They'll need much more than one punch to become that," I muttered.

"What are we to do?" Peggy asked eagerly, excited to finally know what we'd be doing.

Phillips handed us two files that were neatly sorted by days. They contained detailed information about what the soldiers should demonstrate each day. It was physical training on one day, mental testing on the others. There was empty space next to every name; it was a place for us to write about each soldier's personal progress, to see if there were any changes and if the changes were positive or negative. Naturally, we had to pay close attention to any red flags that could divert us from selecting that subject for the serum injection.

"Agent Carter, as you know, you'll run the training, the guidelines, and the strategic mission we'll execute on Friday. Don't give them an easy time," Phillips said with a smirk while Peggy nodded sternly.

He then turned to me. "Agent Calaway, your job is to observe the soldiers' behaviour; I expect your report to be very thorough. You'll consult with Dr Erskine about who to pick first, and, if Carter needs you for anything, you better be there."

I gave him a curt nod, closing the file, and took a step back.

"Good. You're dismissed. See you at lunch, ladies. Now, doctor, I want another word with you alone," he dismissed us with a wave of his hand and we left the two to their private discussion.

"What do you think Phillips has to talk about with the doctor?" I asked the moment Peggy and I stepped into the fresh air.

"Boy, you do not hesitate, do you?" she chuckled. "I reckon it's about your friend. Did you know he was asthmatic?"

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