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    Peggy and I arrived at the spot after only a few minutes. The checkpoint wasn't far if one were to drive there. Running the track, however, took a lot more time. Given the heat of the summer sun, I had no doubt the troupe would be sweating balls by the time they arrived.

    "Mind telling me why we're here?" Peggy questioned, sounding almost condescending.

    I kept up my smug face and denied her an answer. "Is patience not a virtue you possess, Agent Carter?"

    She rolled her eyes. "I don't know what you're planning, but it better make sense. We don't have time to wait all day."

    "I know, I know. Duffy won't let them fall behind schedule," I soothed her. I knew that the test would be a good idea and would undoubtedly demonstrate the recruits' way of thinking. I was just hoping that at least a few of them weren't completely thick-headed.

    A few minutes passed by, and the troupe was still nowhere in sight, so, naturally, Peggy became bored and started asking questions. She knew how to be patient when under orders, but in any other case, boredom was not something she dealt with well.

    "How are you feeling on your first day?"

    "Feels good to finally be in charge over someone," I admitted. "I've never had someone to give orders to."

    "It is indeed a very good feeling," she smiled brightly, and I noticed something red stuck on her teeth.

    "Peggs, I think you have some lipstick on your teeth," I whispered, barely holding back my laughter.

    She immediately looked in the rear-view mirror and started scraping at her teeth while I let a burst of giggles overtake me. Peggy always seemed perfectly put together, so it was amusing to watch her try to fix the error.

    "Stop laughing, Willow. It is not that funny."

    "I told you that something like this would happen, putting that thing on your lips so early in the morning. Take your time, lady, wear it when you go out," I breathed heavily, finally able to calm down.

    "I don't go out," she stated rather harshly, which caught my interest.

    "Why not? I thought an attractive lady, like yourself, would have tons of men crawling at her feet." I winked at her in hopes of cheering her up, but she remained serious, which consequently made me straighten my face, as well.

    "Willy, we're surrounded by soldiers all day long. If I'd let every man who ever looked at me twice take me out, I'd lose my pride. Very few men take women seriously as it is; I don't intend to jeopardize the reputation I've built."

    I've never put in the time to think about things like that, myself, but Peggy put a lot of work to get where she was. She was a high ranking agent that was working hard in the memory of her late brother to stop Nazis from winning the war; it would be a shame if men continuously brought her down and took the joy of working from her. She told me herself that she was not very lady-like as a child, and that itself wasn't compatible with society, let alone her rank achievement within the military. My story took place in a matter of weeks, and I was taking my job for granted.

    "You're right... But don't you ever want to go out and meet a fella, have a drink or go dancing?" I asked carefully. We were still ladies, I figured any of us would have this desire.

    "I was engaged once," she stated, which had my eyes widening. It was hard to imagine that someone so fiercely independent and adamant against a night out had once considered marriage. "Yeah," she chuckled, "I was madly in love. Unfortunately, everyone but me saw how 'good' he actually was for me. My brother warned me, and I wouldn't listen. I cancelled the wedding only after he died."

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