Facing Ice

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     "I still think you're delusional, Willow," Howard chuckled as he chomped on his lunch in the break room. "I've met the man; I've worked with him plenty of times. His motives changed throughout the years. He's alright now."

     I crossed my arms in annoyance. I wasn't going to give Howard my time of day. I knew I was right. "Then how do you explain the hidden passage? And the fact that he entered so mysteriously and quietly after I've come in, questioning me about the others' presence?"

     "I admit, he's a little peculiar, but, maybe, he's just cautious. He worked for a German, evil megamind; that ought to leave some consequences on his behaviour. As for the passage, I believe that this bunker used to be artillery storage. Maybe our guys just decided we don't need the extra space and placed those shelves in front to cover the distraction."

     "That's bullshit, and you know it, Stark. Weapons are your territory; what if he's developing one right in front of your nose while you share all of your knowledge with him?"

     "I'd be smart enough to notice that," he opposed.

     I scoffed. "You're not even smart enough to notice I've eaten half of your cookies while you weren't looking during this whole lunch break."

     His eyes shot open as he looked at his cookie bag, shocked. "Did you, really?"

     I couldn't refrain from laughing. "No, but I made you doubt, didn't I?"

     As much fun as we were having, I couldn't believe what I was hearing from Howard. He was completely ignoring clear signs that raised suspicion of Zola still being a traitor to the United States. He was definitely up to something. If I knew one thing, it was how to read people's gestures, and Zola's screamed guilty.

     "Maybe, all you need is just to get out more. You've been busy for the past four years ever since S.H.I.E.L.D. started operating, and, as soon as you get from the office, you have little Junior to worry about. When was the last time you went out dancing, went to have fun?" Howard asked me.

     I looked down at my lunch. "I go out to drink with Peggy plenty, but I believe my last dance was with James back in 1943."

     Howard stopped chewing. "I am taking you out one of these days," he determined, and I chuckled.

     I proceeded to trust the discovery of the secret hallway with Peggy after I came home later that day, but she also wouldn't quite bite into my story. Instead, she agreed to pay some extra attention to Zola, just in case my suspicions proved correct. I liked being right, but I very much wanted to be wrong about Zola. It meant that Zola was a much bigger threat than we anticipated, and he could've been hiding some immensely powerful and dangerous weapon. If I were right, I would've done anything and everything to stop it.

     My days at the office continued to start early and consisted of checking the position of the shelves daily to see if there were any signs of them moving regularly, consulting with other scientists about Zola's everyday schedule and progress, and paying more attention to the laboratory experiments that involved the doctor, in general. Lucky for me, Howard seemed to be involved with every one of them, so I, at least, had an excuse to stay there longer than usual and feign that I had matters to discuss with the engineer. Despite looking for anything suspicious throughout the following couple of weeks, Zola hadn't changed his behaviour. That meant that he wasn't suspicious of me knowing anything, but it didn't give me any indication of Zola being a traitor or not. He collaborated with Howard productively and without objection. Well, sometimes, he would protest when Stark came up with an improvement of his already finished design and then a short quarrel between the two would begin, but they would be finished by lunchtime.

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