Sneaking Around

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     After two days passed by, and more information regarding the 107th came through, I headed to their designated training range to announce the Generals' decision. According to their schedule, the 107th always had an obstacle course run in the morning under the supervision of one Sergeant Barnes. I'd never heard of him, but, apparently, he was one of the rare men from the unit that were already sent out to the field and returned alive.

     The 107th was a pretty large unit when it was sent to London. It was said to have consisted of nearly 140 men, yet the troupe that was training in front of me consisted of only 30 young men, at most. Those were the only remaining ones that had yet to be sent out.

     I took a deep breath before stepping in front of the Sergeant, and saluted. "Sergeant Barnes, I'm Agent Calaway, and I ask permission to say a few words. I bring fresh orders for the unit."

     I was taught to never look officers directly in the eye when talking to them; it was more respectful if you looked at his hat, so I didn't realise who exactly stood in front of me. As he spoke, something in me shifted.

     "Agent Calaway, you seem awfully familiar. Have we met before?"

     I flinched and took a better glance at him. The crystal eyes, the tall posture, the sound of his voice, the dark hair... It all matched with...

     "James? Is that you?" I asked in a quieter tone, trying not to gain the attention of any other officers or soldiers in training.

     "So we do know each other," he said and tilted his hat up a little. "Would you be so kind as to remind me where we met before?"

     I was left speechless. How was I supposed to tell him that I used to be nothing more than a scrappy woman on the streets that he happened to save a few weeks ago from a drunk man? How was I supposed to lead that conversation to the topic of Steve's physical upgrade without James knowing? The SSR's project was mostly secret to outsiders, so I wasn't sure I could even speak freely about it, despite the two of them being good friends. Steve would be restricted from telling anyone about it either.

     "My name's Willow. I believe you saved my life in the past," I tried explaining as subtly as I could, hoping he'd recognise me.

     His pupils widened and, eventually, it clicked for him, as well. "Willow! Oh, God, what are you doing here?" He studied my uniform and my presence, before asking, "You're an Agent?"

     "Shush!" I hissed. "We're not supposed to be talking like this in front of your unit!"

     "Have you been an Agent this whole time?"

     "I don't have time to explain this to you now, Sergeant Barnes," I spoke sternly, motioning to the folder in my hand. "I have urgent news I have to deliver to the 107th."

     He let out a few deep chuckles before saying, "Alright, alright. But I would still like to talk to you. Can we meet after?"

     I fidgeted with my fingers and kept looking around nervously, almost expecting some officer to school me about talking private business with random Sergeants. Barnes was one of the most scandalous I'd met since he insisted on meeting. I felt like I owed him an explanation, maybe even talk to him about Steve; I had a gut feeling I could trust him.

     "I'll meet you in my office at midnight. The others ought to be asleep by then," I whispered. "Now could you gather your squad, I have orders to give out."

     "Why, of course. Soldiers, attention!" James yelled, and the soldiers immediately formed two straight rows.

     I had to admit, the training that they got must've been efficient since, despite their young age, they were perfectly in sync and uniformed. They arrived in London almost a month ago; back then, I was nothing more than a street rat. Then again, we were all young, wasting our lives on war.

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