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    I gasped, "Me? An agent?"

    "Yes, you." A familiar voice, oozing with authority, joined us a second later. Peggy stepped around the corner wearing a proud smirk.

    "Peggy? What's going on?" My gaze flitted between her and the doctor in confusion. It was clear that Dr Erskine had some plan, but I never thought Peggy was involved, as well. "I'm not qualified to be a soldier, let alone an agent!"

    Peggy spoke, "We're dealing with higher forces here, Willow. This project took some serious effort and time to execute. In a week's time, we will choose our subject for the test. The Strategic Scientific Reserve isn't necessarily searching for new additions to the team, but I trust Dr Erskine when he says he's found a helpful comrade to fight this war, even if not physically."

    "What's my part in all of this?" Even with all the explanations, I simply couldn't understand why Dr Erskine would have such faith in me. I used to be the girl with no shoes, sleeping on the street. How was I now talking to the people who could have created a solution to winning this war? Not to mention, the information I was learning was overwhelming with ideas of experiments, and more, that I still didn't quite comprehend.

    Peggy handed me a file. When I opened it, I noticed my name on the job application for the SSR, with all of my personal information already filled out. The only thing missing was my signature. "You are to become an agent, like myself, and will help me and Dr Erskine determine who's got what it takes to become our first super-soldier. You've already passed the tests, yourself; you know what the subject needs to survive through the process. All you have to do now is bring a pen to paper and take the job."

    I scanned over the papers. Seemingly endless paragraphs of rules and evaluation programs I would have to go through as candidates lined up one after the other. My eyes continued to shift downward, never stopping as they glanced over the many words. I didn't read everything, for it made my stomach turn.

    "What happens after this project is complete? Will I remain an agent?" I wondered.

    Peggy hesitantly replied, "That is up to Colonel Phillips and the rest of the SSR officers to determine. If you perform well during the evaluation process and afterwards at your job on the Project, then I don't doubt you'll get to become a full-time agent."

    "Do I have to decide right away? Can't I think about it?"

    The two exchanged a look. It seemed that taking a day to make the decision wasn't out of the question, but I could tell that they would tell me the opposite; they wanted an answer as soon as possible. War didn't rest. With every hour passed, hundreds of soldiers died fighting for peace. I understood that, yet I was still frightened.

    "Let me put it this way, Ms Calaway." Dr Erskine scratched his scruffy, white beard, thinking about his response. "I did, in fact, subtly allude that you should come here as a test subject. But, after a week of working with you, I could sense that you resented being used for scientific research. Why stay then? You had no ties to this place other than making a buck, and I know from previous encounters, money is not exactly of the biggest value to you."

    I couldn't answer right away; I didn't know the answer to that question, myself. Why did I stay? There were many opportunities for escape, yet I hadn't taken any of them. I only thought about leaving before I was finished with the experiments one time, then I developed a purpose. I knew I liked working at the camp, I liked to watch Peggy and Colonel Phillips working from afar, I liked talking to Dr Erskine about the serums, I liked... I liked learning new things because, deep inside, I always hoped that one day I could do something similar. I wanted to help people and encourage them.

Path to Protection (BuckyBarnes x OC)Where stories live. Discover now