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     Being back to London was a huge relief. After spending the last two months in Italy and after Steve's and my little expedition, I really needed a breather. We were only given a few hours to settle in our temporary accommodation before being called back to headquarters. There was still plenty of business to be done, but it was a lot less difficult taking care of it in a heated building, rather than in a freezing, cold tent.

     Steve was well informed of our meeting; as soon as we entered the SSR headquarters, Phillips sent him in front of a map and ordered him to mark all the locations of Hydra facilities he could remember. Luckily for us, he remembered almost every one. Granted, he was only able to give a rough estimate of some, but most were on point.

     "I just got a quick look," he said when he was done, wearing a proud smirk on his face.

     Peggy's lips curved into a smirk. "Well, nobody's perfect."

     Steve's eyes followed her figure as she walked past him. Although they had run into each other on several occasions, neither of them admitted their feelings to the other. It was as plain as day to me, but they were both reserved people in their own ways. Noticing the Colonel coming our way, I quickly shook my thoughts away and jumped up, prepared to take on new orders.

     "So, these are all the factories we know of," Steve commented. "However, Sergeant Barnes said that Hydra shipped all the parts to another facility that is not on this map and is presumably Schmidt's headquarters."

     Colonel Phillips nodded to himself, taking in the information with his finger scratching his chin. Then he said, "Agent Carter, coordinate with MI6. I want every Allied eyeball looking for that main Hydra base."

     "What will our job be?" I asked.

     The Colonel smirked in my direction, clearly impressed with my enthusiasm. "We will set a fire under Johann Schmidt's ass. What do you say, Rogers? It's your map; you think you can wipe Hydra off it?"

     "Yes, sir," Steve smiled proudly and glanced at me. "I'll need a team."

     "We're already putting together the best men," Phillips said bluntly as he was scanning some papers brought to him by his secretary.

     "With all due respect, sir," Steve nodded at me as I looked at him questionably. "So am I."

     Phillps paused to look at both of us. "Well, considering you've managed to prove me wrong more than once, I suppose I could let you pick your own men. Choose wisely, Rogers, and have fun tonight. It may be your last day off before you enter hellfire."

     The Colonel walked away, leaving Steve, Peggy, and me alone to talk. His words were daunting, but, luckily, Peggy didn't let them in the air for too long.

     "Are you going out tonight?" she asked us both as we walked towards the exit.

     "The guys are bound to be in some pub drinking their first night away; I have to find and talk to them before they decide to go home. If I can pour enough drinks down their throats, they'll inevitably agree to come with," Steve said.

     "Who are you thinking of?" I questioned.

     Without hesitation, Steve answered, "I'm planning on asking Bucky, Dugan, Gabe, Montgomery, and some others. It's enough for a team. Buck claims they were one of his best men of the 107th."

     "What about you, Willy? Are you planning on going out dancing?" Peggy nudged my side suggestively.

     "Of course," I shrugged as if me going out wouldn't be surprising at all and felt myself blushing. "I've got a date tonight."

Path to Protection (BuckyBarnes x OC)Where stories live. Discover now