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    My bunk seemed very empty after I returned the books to their rightful places on the shelf. I would miss having so many books to look forward to. As I collected all of my things back in my bag, I noticed that it was a little fuller compared to when I arrived since Peggy managed to convince Colonel Phillips to provide me with some new clothes. The clothing was simple and more appropriate for the workspace, but, despite the extra outfits, the bag was still very light.

    "It's strange to see you go," Peggy stood by my side as I packed up the last of my belongings. "I got so used to our meals together; I can barely remember the times I was eating with Annika and Sarah from the emergency room."

    I chuckled, "It's only been a week; I don't think I've made such an impact, yet."

    "Always so humble." She leaned on the legs of the bunk with her arms folded across her chest and a big smile on her lips. "I'll surely miss you."

    "Well, we still have the opportunity to have our last lunch together, if you'll have me." I took her excited clapping as an agreement to my offer and rolled my eyes jokingly at her cheerful response.

    "Wonderful! I'll meet you in an hour. There are some recruits I have to welcome," she headed for the door, then turned around and smiled. "Don't forget to say goodbye to Dr Erskine."

    An hour—perfect. There was still one thing I absolutely needed to do; otherwise, I wouldn't be able to sleep for the next three months. I felt different, not only physically but mentally, as well. Yes, most of the visible reactions affected my muscles and gifted me with a newly toned body, but the newest and last injection Dr Erskine had given me made my mind contemplate more of the rights and wrongs, what's justice and what's not. Figuring out why my brain was thinking in such ways was a good thing to do, especially if it was my last time at the camp.

    The sun blinded me as I stepped outside the barrack, strong rays finally peeking out from the last of the dissipating clouds still left in the sky. It had been raining for the past two days, so there were a lot of puddles around the camp. That generally wouldn't be a problem, but with the sun shining as brightly as it was, I couldn't quite see where I was walking and stepped right into one.

    "Crap," I cursed and quickly jumped aside.

    I heard a chuckle on my right. "Having fun, Ms Calaway?"

    Of course, Dr Erskine just had to appear in time to see me being as clumsy as a blind elephant. "Some of us are just more unfortunate. How are you today, Dr Erskine? Enjoying the sun?"

    "Oh, yes, I like to spend a few good minutes in the sunlight when I'm not working, which reminds me, I have to get back to my lab. It was good seeing you, Willow. I hope you won't miss this place too much," he said with his usual smirk as the sunlight reflected from his glasses directly in my face. When he noticed I was trying to dodge the reflection he quickly adjusted his frames. "My apologies."

    "That's alright," I smiled awkwardly. "It was good seeing you, too, doctor. I'll miss you."

    He squeezed my hand and left along the dusty path. I gazed after him for a few seconds until he disappeared through the entrance to the bunker in which his lab was located.

    Now was my chance.

    I hurried to the management barracks where I remembered spotting Dr Erskine's name on one of the doors. If he had an office, he'd surely keep all of the important stuff in there instead of the lab. I made sure no one saw me as I hurried through the hall full of busy office rooms, one of which belonged to Peggy, and turned the corner where the doctor's office was located.

Path to Protection (BuckyBarnes x OC)Where stories live. Discover now