Chapter 1 - It all starts here

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California this year. Last time it was Majorca, but my 'rents wanted to be a bit closer to home for this vacation. Not that nearly 3,000 miles away was close to home in Virginia but still, they fancied an American holiday so that's what I got.

I usually love our holidays, but now that i'm 14, i'm going to want to be a bit more independent. I can just see my parents sending me to a kiddie club every day and expecting me to hang out with a bunch of 10 year olds. Not cool.

I understand they won't want me wondering off in a strange place alone, but maybe if I make a friend, they may be a bit more lenient. I'm starting to become more of man now, having shot up to 5'10 already and still growing. My dad is very tall and told me he had a similar pattern of growth at my age so heres hoping to many more inches...

Anyway, now I'm stuck on the plane wishing my parents would be super cool and give me fun things to do instead of stupid kids games. 'Hey dad?'

'Yeh kiddo - sorry - young man. What's up?'

'You're not gonna send me to one of those groups again are you like you usually do? I love them and everything but I think i'm getting a bit old for them. And it sucks making friends and never speaking to them again.'

'Well son, sorry to dissapoint but we made arrangements. We only paid a deposit though so I tell you what - give it a day, then if you hate it, you don't have to continue. Plus I talked to one of the leaders on the phone and he told me he usually gets older kids because they do quite mature activities anyway. So 1 day, sound like a plan?'

'I love you dad,' I said as I smiled and nodded. I think he might understand where I'm coming from which is weird. Maybe I can get him to give me my first beer whilst i'm here - wishful thinking though.

The plane landed safely and we made our way out of the airport and to the hotel we were staying in. We were renting a place for 10 days but we had to collect the keys by 3pm and it was now 7pm. We knew this would happen so we booked ourselves into a nice hotel in advance. A super nice one by the looks of it. Mom said you only live once afterall.

We were all pretty tired from travelling and there was no unpacking since it was only a night so we headed down for a quick bite to eat and went straight to bed afterwards.

We usually like to unpack and take a tour of our surroundings as soon as we get somewhere so I knew I had a long day ahead of me tomorrow. It was saturday now, sunday tomorrow and camp on monday. Then actually fun the day after. I slept like a baby all night.

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