Chapter 21 - The other side of the story

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I text Simon my address. I didn't know if I had done the right thing by telling him or letting him come but I knew I needed him. Even it was just as moral support. He was still my best friend - I think - so I knew I could trust him.

He told me in a text that he would be coming on the day of the funeral. I guess any notion of us getting together had gone or he may have tried to come a bit sooner to talk it out. There was no way we could talk anything out at the funeral.

I had invited Jess because she had met my father and she was actually a decent human being around him. When she arrived, things were a lot better than I could of expected. She apologised to me for her behaviour and we had a good long chat about how she was turning her life around. She even noticed something else was up with me other than the fact my dad had died.

'Is it Simon?' What? How on earth did she guess that. 'Oh come on. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see how crazy about one another you are - or were. I was super jealous of your friendship and I noticed the looks he kept sending your way. You were clearly oblivious to them, but the way you talked to me about him was like a man in love.'

I was in shock. How could she have seen it - a woman who clearly couldn't see how selfish and annoying she was - when I didn't even know myself. 'Thanks Jess. You have really matured. You'll find a great guy soon enough, one who can give you what you deserve.'

We parted ways as my mom came over to me. 'Hey son, your friend is here, inside the house. I'll take you to him.'

He looked stunning in a black suit. I wanted to hug him there and then. 'You came. Thank you. I am so sorry but I didn't know who else to call.'

'Anytime. I'd do anything for you.' My heart skipped a beat. I noticed him and mom mom exchange looks. She didn't know what was going on did she? How could everyone have known but me?

The funeral went ahead and Simon had to make a quick goodbye and head back to New York. Shame we didn't have chance for a proper chat, to clear the air.

'Thank you for having me here Sheila, Tom was a great man. Cas, I'll talk to you back in Boston when you return.' So he did want to speak- wait how did he know my parents names? Oh yeh, my dads name was everywhere and he met my mom earlier. Silly me. He hugged us both and I felt all warm from his touch. I wished we had more time.

'Goodbye T!' he shouted as he made his exit. That's funny. Only my dad called me T. And Simon usually called me Cas. How did he know? There was only 1 other, well 2 other people that had ever called me T before. One of my lecturers had trouble pronouncing 'Cas' as she had a lisp so I let her call me T or Ti-el. The other was... then it hit me like a ton of bricks.

Was it him? Surely not. It could have just been a coincidence and he randomly decided to call me T. Or my mom could have referred to me as T because she was feeling all nostalgic over my dads passing, even though she hated that nickname.

Now that I think about it, he did look vaguely like the boy I once knew and had shared a kiss with. He was much taller and toned but he did look quite similar. Maybe I just fancied a certain type of guy? Although him and my mom were giving each other weird looks, but she could have just sensed the tension between us.

I couldn't be sure though. A long time had passed since that holiday and if I was to mention it and I was wrong, well that could be disastrous. Plus surely he would have said something if he knew who I was.

I certainly had a lot to think about but firstly, I had to get this day out of the way.

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