Chapter 6 - Learning something new

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The rest of the day was surprisingly enjoyable. We got to walk around all the shops and cool trinket stalls, ate ice-cream and even found a place to rent roller-skates and we joined in with the other crazy bladers down the strip. That was a sight - 15 or so kids falling over themselves trying to copy a couple of the local pro's who probably did this every day of the week.

Even eating the ice-cream was way more fun than you'd expect from just eating ice-cream. I somehow managed to get a little down my top, which Star gladly pointed out. But as I went to look down and wipe it away, he planted his on my nose and I looked a right idiot. I didn't care though as it felt quite good having this much fun with a friend.

A friend. I need to stop saying that. Yes, I accept the friendship but the less I think about it the better.

As home time came, we asked our parents if we could hang out which they happily agreed with. In fact, Stars mom suggested I stay over and give my parents a night to themselves as a thank you for the morning. She was taking me to Calactively the next day anyway so it made sense.

I haven't had a sleepover in years. It's something you stop doing when you get to a certain age, and me and my friends just weren't that close anymore. I didn't have a best guy friend and my best girl friend was a girl so it was weird having sleepovers once she started to develop woman parts, and ours parents wouldn't have liked the idea of us sharing a room anyway. Not that it mattered, we were never going to get together or anything, we didn't have those feelings.

In fact, Lucy (which is her name), told me she kind of fancied girls so there is zero chance of us happening. We even talk about girls from time to time, saying who is fit or ugly. I haven't found a girl I really fancy yet, enough to ask out, but most people don't seem to get girlfriends till they are 15/16 anyway.

I was looking forward to the sleepover. I remembered that Star's room didn't have much in it so I grabbed a bunch of blankets and random gadgets and other junk and headed over.

'You bring the whole bedroom Castiel - sorry - T?' Mandy laughed. 'Hes in his room so just go on through.'

'Hey man'. He looked at all my stuff quizingly. 'I thought we cold build a fort like I did as a kid, something different you know? And I didn't know what stuff you had here so I sort of brought all mine.' I lied slightly, but he might feel bad if I told him I snooped. He certainly wasn't poor but clearly his parents didn't bother too much with presents or his room would be full. 'Actually this is all kind of dumb, lets just do whatever.' I felt a bit embarrassed now as he hadn't said anything.

'I like your idea. And I'm used to just going out and doing things so I probably won't have many toys to keep us entertained. I usually just play guitar when I'm stuck here alone.'

We build a massive blanket fort which spans across the entire room, with a couple of tunnels and hiding places. We are so awesome at making forts. Why don't more teens do this anymore?

After an hour or so, we got bored of all my toys. It was a holiday so I didn't have that many things. 'Play me something on your guitar. I'm dying to hear how good you are.'

'I'm not that good.' He was really shy all of a sudden.

'Well if your nature skills are anything to go by, and you say you play your guitar when you're bored, then I'm guessing you must be at least listenable' I laughed. 'Go on, please?'

He reluctantly rooted for his guitar and after a few tweaks with the strings, he strummed a note. It didn't sound like cats wailing like when I attempted to play it. It sounded kinda nice. Then he began to play properly. This was really good. I vaguely recognised the tune, but I didn't remember it having a big important guitar part to it. Strange choice but he probably wanted to keep it simple.

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