Chapter 7 - What now?

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I woke up tangled in a pile of blankets with Star singing very loudly in the shower. He sounded happy for one of the first times since I'd met him. Was that because of last night? I have no idea what will happen when I see him again. Will it be awkward? I don't know how you are supposed to react when things get awkward

He came back into the room already dressed so he must have took his clothes to the bathroom. 'Hey, breakfast is done so head into the kitchen when you're ready.' Not a hint of awkwardness from last night. I guess it was nothing after all. Just me otherthinking things. And I must have I dreamt the arm thing in the night. At least everything was all good and normal again.

The rest of the day was pretty awesome. As well as jet ski's and wind-surfing, they had a surprise in the shape of a rock climbing wall to make up for the previous day. I wasn't brilliant at anything today, but neither was Star - well, he was a pretty good rock climber but he was good with nature so it made sense. I was better than him at wind-surfing though, not by much as it was a little new to me, but still better.

We managed bits of banter throughout the day and things seemed back to normal. We didn't talk loads as its a little hard to keep a conversation going whilst on the jet ski, wind-surfing or climbing up a wall. He was also a little faster on the wall than me and got up a bit higher so we would have had to have shouted to keep a conversation going.

We didn't hang out afterwards like last night but that was probably a good thing. We had managed to get the friendship on track today and I didn't want to make it weird all over again.

The next day we were taken to a waterpark. As much as I like swimming, I get a little scared of heights so I was a bit on edge all day. I didn't really see Star much as he was off running around as much as he could before we had to leave. I stayed on the smaller slides and ones with shorter cues. The stairs at those places terrify me with the wind blowing you around.

I spent quite some time on the lazy river before deciding to go on a proper again. On my way to a nice easy slide, I bumped into Star making his way from a very tall double slide looking angry. 'Whats up man?

'I need a buddy for this one. The dingy thing you go on is a double seater. Hey, wanna join me?'

Right, he didn't know I was scared. Oh well, time to man up, he'll laugh if he realises. 'I was just heading there myself'. I'm such a liar.

The cue was a little long and at first I was fine but a big gust of wind blew through and the dingy we were holding was flailing about loads. I felt like I was going to lose balance and go flying over the stairs. 'Oh damn, oh god, oh crap.'

'You ok man? You look a little pale.'

'Er, I'm actually a little terrified of this type of thing. I'd bail on you right now man, but I'm too scared to go back down the stairs, we have come so far.' I was getting ready for the laugh but he just grabbed my spare hand with his spare hand.

'I got you safe, don't worry. I'll hold your hand till we get to the top and I'll make sure you're fine.' Why'd I have to go and make such a good friend? So annoying. But I really appreciated it. The hand holding actually helped. He seemed to have calmed me.

When we got to the top and I had another mild panic. 'I got you' he whispered in my ear as we climbed into the dingy, and he grabbed my hand again as we were pushed down the slide. I felt so relieved as we made our decent. I'm fine when I'm on the actual slides, it's just the stairs I hate. Despite me now being ok, we were still holiding hands until we had to let go when we were propelled into the pool at the end of the slide.

My hand felt a bit lonely all of a sudden as we made our way out of the pool. It was nearly time to go back so we headed to the changing rooms and got our dry clothes back on. 'You should have said no. I hated seeing you scared like that.'

'I'm sorry. I wasn't really thinking, plus I didn't want you to laugh at me. Thank you for not laughing by the way, you didn't need to hold my hand or anything.' He looked sad when I mentioned the hand holding.

'Stop apologising. And I wanted to hold your had so don't worry about me.' He wanted to hold my hand? Why? 'Let's go.' Ok maybe we weren't all back to normal after the other night. Maybe tomorrow we can fix this and leave on better terms.

There was only one more day of Calactively and then I probably didn't really need to see him for the rest of the holiday but I would like to. I am only going to be bored with my parents all weekend so I could do with someone to distract me. I felt sad thinking about the end of the holiday. Sad but relieved. No more confusion and back to normality.

When we made it back to the beach for pick up, Tadd rounded us all up. 'Listen up guys! As you know, tomorrow is the last day for some of you. Now, every friday we take a hike using the nature skills we have learnt, and we follow it off by a beach party on the night.' There was some gasps and and excited buzz erupted.

'Yes, all of your parents are aware of the party and consent. Your parents will join us for the last hour and if they wish, they can provide you with a little alcohol, although it can only be a very small amount so it doesn't get out of control. Now go have fun and I'll see you again tomorrow.'

Sounded like the perfect end to the week.

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