Chapter 4 - Let the fun begin

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'Rise and shine kiddo. Time to take you to Calactively!' Eurgh dad shut up. It felt too early. 8.30 already? This was weird for me, having to be woken up. Guess I really didnt want to go to this club and my body was also rejecting the idea. Calactively? Sounds like the worse name for a club yet. One day, thats all I need to do. One day...

I was a bit surprised when I arrived at the beach for the enrolement. Not bad, but that didn't mean it wasnt going to suck. My dad signed me in and I reluctantly went over to the other kids. They were near enough my age or older which was unusual as well. I felt that this wasnt a good thing though as they would be more willing to make friends with me and that is not something I want. Nobody ever keeps in touch with holiday friends and it sucks cuz i've made some great ones over the years.

'Hey guy! I'm Tadd and I'll be the one leading you all week. Marcy is my assistant who will be joining us and helping out. Let's have some fun then!' Tadd was quite young so hopefully he will have some fun things for us to do.

'Wait up, I'm a little late.' Oh it was the Mandys son. This was annoying. 'Hey. Sorry about last night. Parents suck.' Ok well maybe he wasnt so bad. He was apologising for last night afterall.

We were shown to our first activity, one we'd be doing all day - surfing. A bit typical but I like water so it wasnt too bad. Tadd gave us some brief instructions of how to surf and then he ran out into the water to show us. He looked well cool when he caught his first wave, then made his way back to us. 'Easy peasy. Now enjoy yourself.'

A few of the kids ran straight out and clearly knew what they were doing. I joined them and attempted my first wave. I fell off almost immediately but a few waves later and I managed a baby wave eventually. I was having fun and crashed a few more time before I caught another wave properly.

I noticed my neighbour struggling so I paddled over to him. 'Need some help?'

'No thanks.' He grunted.

'Here. When you pop up, you're doing it to slow. Thats why it isnt working.'

'I'm afraid to I'll fall off if i go fast.'

'You're already falling off. Just try it!. I'll hover near you ready to support the board if it goes wrong.' May as well be nice to him. He looked a little releaved after that.

5 attempts later and he managed to get up in time and stay on the board. He didnt go far with the wave before falling. I laughed at him when he paddled back over with his board. 'How can you not know how to surf? You must come to Cali all the time.' I asked.

'Well my parents are always so busy so I have to make my own plans here very summer, and I always feel a bit embarrassed trying to surf by myself so I never do. They thought this year I should try an activity club and maybe get to do some stuff I cant do on my own.' I did get the feeling that his parents weren't always around after last nights kerfuffle.

'Fair enough.' I stated. We fooled around in the water and I managed a few more waves by the time we had to leave. My companion hadn't done it properly yet. 'One last try bud, just go for it!' I cheered him on.

I looked back at the wave heading our way. It was a big one. 'Don't look back, just go for it!' and he did. It was a huge wave and by some sort of miracle he rode it all the way back to shore.

'Whooooo!' I cheered when I made it back myself. 'Looked really cool mate.' and I slapped him on the back.

'You're pretty cool. I should probably introduce myself if we are going to be hanging out all week.'

'No. Dont. I hate making friends to never see them again. How about we introduce ourselves with a nickname or something and that way we dont get too close and I wont hate it when we never speak to one another again?'

'O-K... You can call me Tango and I'll call you Foxtrot. They are cool code names.'

'If you say so Tango.'

We then went and found our parents.

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