Chapter 16 - Surprise

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'Happy birthday!' My parents cheered as we talked on skype.

'Thanks mom, and dad. Love you both.' I did miss them but I got used to not seeing them so much when I started travelling. I must pay them a visit soon, maybe next weekend and see Jess at the same time. That might get her off my back for a while. She has been calling me every day this week.

Jess is what you would call 'high maintenance'. It's great having a good looking woman on your arm on a night out but there's not a lot else there. No deep conversations, no understanding when you need some space, no pillow talk, no cuddling (as it would ruin her hair she says). I get more of a conversation with Simon of all people.

He has become a really good friend of mine. The first time he properly came round to my apartment with no interruptions or anything, he noticed I still hadn't really unpacked much and ended up moving all my stuff in properly. He now has his own draw in the living room for bits and pieces in case he crashes over, which is quite often. That's not weird is it?

I hadn't actually gone round to his place yet, which was a little strange, but then again he lived a bit further out in the posher side of the city. My apartment was just much more convenient for a hang out - especially seeing as though it was so close to the gym and work.

Work, eurgh, I still had to go in today. Everyone should be allowed their birthdays off. But then again, no one at work really knew when it was and that was a bit of a relief to me. I could just go on about my day and spend the evening pigging out in front of the TV watching the Red Sox play.

I never really supported a particular team in any game - I could always just admire the moment whoever was playing. But I will admit, I had taken a bit of a liking to any Boston based teams since I had been here. Maybe I was starting to get sentimental about this place. Who knows?

When I got to work, I was completely relieved. Nobody realised what day it was and I kept reasonably quiet and relaxed all day. I hated awkward office parties where you felt obliged to chip in for presents or cake and then had to act really surprised when you got one on your birthday. And the cake always sucked.

Even Simon didn't seem to know what day it was. I was a bit upset over that part if I'm honest, I think I had told him when my birthday was. But that was on the first day and he met tons of people that day. He is probably trying to work out what idiot told him it was his birthday. That seemed very like him. Always considerate and thoughtful.

I left that day, having had one of the easiest birthdays ever. I may just never reveal my birthday again to anyone. Too much hassle.

Speaking of hassle, Jessica. She was in my apartment when I got back. Funny, I don't remember ever giving her a key to get in any time she wanted. I should have moved further away from Virginia.

'Happy Birthday Bunny!' She practically screamed when I got in. Oh god, here it goes. 'Love you millions!'

'Mmm.' I just don't love her anymore and I couldn't say it to her. I don't know if I ever really did. I seem to prefer Simon's company way more than hers and there must be something wrong if that's the case - liking a friend more than a girlfriend. I think now was the time to break up.

'Jess, can we have a talk please?'

'One minute, I have tweet a picture of us on your special day.' Eurgh.

'No Jess, now please. Sit down.' She did not look happy - was not used to being told what to do. 'Listen, you are great. But I don't think I love you anymore. I think we should break up.' There.

'Oh no, that wont be happening.' What?

'Erm, yes it will Jess. Now please, get out. Here's some money to get yourself a hotel for the night. I want you to leave.'

'What?! How dare you! I'll give you some time to cool off and think about this.'

'I don't need to thanks. Now bye.' and I slammed the door in her face. Phew

I checked the time. Plenty of time to get settled for the game. I may even go get a few beers for myself. I was about to head out the door when there was a knock on it. I actually kind of awkwardly ended up opening it at the same time so the person almost fell forward on top of me. I steadied their shoulders just in time.

Simon. 'Hey, wassup? I was just heading out to get some brewski's for the night game. Fancy joining me?'

'No.' Oh, ah well. I enjoy watching stuff with him but I had planned an evening alone so it was no biggie. 'Actually you aren't doing that either. I...' he looked a little nervous. 'I got us tickets to the game tonight. Happy Birthday!'

My mouth hung open. He remembered. And tickets? Much better than my plans. I hugged him really enthusiastically. 'I take it you like that idea.' he breathlessly wheezed out.

'Hell yeh! As if you remembered when I told you my birthday was.'

'I wanted to say something at work but you looked happy not being bothered so I thought I would leave it till after you finished.' How sweet. He was really observant.

We headed out to the game.

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