Chapter 24 - Epilogue

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It had been a 5 months since I had finally gotten with Castiel and things were going swimmingly. Literally - we were at the local pool having a race. He was way faster than me but I do remember him being good at the beach, and he did mention he joined a swim team in College.

Man he has a good body. When we stripped each other down on that first night I was in heaven. I even embarrassed myself by practically begging for him to take me. I usually take lead with men but I just had to have him. It wasn't exactly an issue for us, we did it so much we each got our equal share of fun (if you know what I mean).

The day after, work was super awkward. Lucky I was the boss so no one really knew what to say or do and gossip calmed down very quickly. Cas had an easy time to because, well, he was screwing the boss - not that either of us viewed it that way. It did make some interesting role play though which makes me blush every time I sit at my desk and remember exactly what we have done there...

The magazine was a hit and we are currently in the process of creating a New York office, but I have decided to stay located in Boston for the time being. There's no question that Cas would join me when we have to relocate eventually. We'd go anywhere together.

He still has his same job, and is really passionate with it, and I wouldn't change that for anything. He has started branching out a bit and is thinking if opening a small gallery inside the New York office for all our photographers so they all have a chance to shine. He also takes a lot of memories of us, but they are for our eyes only - we have a whole room filled with images of us laughing and smiling.

And before you ask, yes he moved in with me immediately. I want to do more than just live with him but that's for later. For now I am just watching him wiggle his sexy ass to the changing rooms.

'Hurry up Star! We will be late for dinner.' We actually picked up on the pet names pretty quickly although we try to only use them in private as I'm still majorly embarrassed about mine. He knows exactly why but loves to tease me with it whenever he can.

I remember the day he asked me about it so vividly. It was a few mornings after I declared my love in song. We were snuggled up in bed and he asked me out of the blue;

'Why did your mom suggest star as a nickname?' I nearly choked on my coffee. 'I mean T is easy - it's the middle letter and the most dominant sound in Castiel. But why Star?'

'Fine I'll tell you if I must. When I was younger, a few years or so before I met you, I went around thinking I was going to be the next big thing in music and wanted everyone to call me Star Williams. I had just learnt to play and sing a little and thought I was God. Then I got to my teens and realised how stupid I was. And don't you dare laugh!'

Cas' bottom lip was trembling trying to keep the laugh in but he looked so cute I started to laugh myself and he burst into hysterics.

And that's about it.

We went to dinner after swimming and I changed my mind on the proposal. I thought of something much better than getting down on one knee in the restaurant.

I was positive he was the one for me and that song came on the radio the other day, you know the one, and I'd spent all week learning it. The restaurant was already booked so I decided to take him there first, have my way with him back home and then in the morning, I'd wake him up with my plan.


Life was just awesome right now. My life seemed to slot right in to Simon's (or Star as I like to tease). I even had big plans for my photography. Speaking of which, I had another little photography project I got some friends to help out with whilst we were at dinner tonight. I'd show Simon tomorrow.

And on the subject of dinner, tonight was perfect. He seemed a little nervous all night, so much that I thought he was gonna go and propose. Thank God that didn't happen! But every day and night is perfect with him.

We also had a wonderful night in afterwards - wink, wink. Now we are snuggled in bed and I find myself drifting into a peaceful nights sleep...

...Hey baby, I think I wanna...

What the...? Am I dreaming?

...chapel on the boulevard we could go...

Ok so I'm not dreaming. Someone is singing. I should open my eyes.

...don't say no no no no no, just say yeh yeh yeh yeh yeh...

I open my eyes and see one idiot, kneeling on the floor with a guitar in his hand, staring directly at me.

Oh it's a beautiful night,
We're looking for something dumb to do. 
Who cares baby, 
I think I wanna marry you!

Then the idiot pulls out a ring. 'Castiel Roberts, will you be my husband?'

I say nothing, frozen in time for a second. What do I say? I have no words, I can't possibly say yes right now.

Instead I just get out of bed, take his hand and walk him to the photography room. 'Heres your answer' I whisper as I spin him in the direction of my latest project.

He starts to read what the images spell out; 'Will... you...mar...'

He spins around to face me and we both blurt out 'Yes!'

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