Chapter 9 - Party time

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'Thanks dad!' He had handed me an 8 pack.

'Thats to share with 'Star' by the way.' He replied

'Thanks Tom!' and he looked at his parents for conformation it was ok. They smiled and nodded.

'Now we will see you boys later. Have fun.' And with that, my dad and the rest walked over to their cars.

I grabbed one for each of us out the pack and handed the rest over to Tadd for safe keeping, explaining they were for two of us. He seemed more relaxed when he realised I wasn't gonna have 8 to get drunk off all by myself.

'Shall we grab a burger and have a walk?' Star asked.

We headed off down the beach, food and booze in hand. 'Oh and these are also for us. I think everyone would do a nut if they knew I had them.' He showed me about 4 miniature bottles of spirits. 'I swiped them from various places over the summer. Nobody seemed to have noticed and I had been saving them for the right occasion. Now seems like a good one.'

Tonight was going to be good, I could tell. He handed me a minuture vodka a miniture rum and got one out for himself and took a swig of half the bottle before putting it away. I didn't want to seem lame so I took a swig myself of the rum. I had never drunk this before and nearly spluttered it all straight back out. After this initial embarrassment, I took another sip and stuffed them in my pocket for later.

We headed back to the others and spent a while there. Some people had guitars and were singing around one of the fires. There were some activities set up as well which you could dip in and out of. A darts stand was somewhere, a checkers table in another spot and hungry hippos on another, as well as a couple of other games.

Star dived to the game of hungry hippos and waited for a turn. 'Come on T, I wanna see your face when you lose.' Right, that cocky son of a... I'll show him! I marched over to the table and sat opposite him. We quickly tapped on our hippos and gobbled as many of the round things as we could.

'Victory!' I shouted.

'What are you on? I clearly got more!' We quickly counted.



Aha I won! 'I won! I am the winner. Loser face!' I was gloating really badly so I stopped eventually.

We played some more of the games and joined in for the ghost storied before decided to head down the beach again. It was dark now so it made it seem like more fun than earlier. Plus we still had our miniatures to drink and it would be easier to in the dark from a distance.

I grabbed the vodka and downed the whole bottle. It wasn't loads and was more more pleasant than the rum. Star followed suit and downed his rum, coughing and spluttering a bit like I did. 'Jesus that's rough.' He tried not to look embarrassed and I tried not to rub it in.

We had had 3 cans each at this point and a bottle and a half of minitures each. It wouldn't be long before the parents arrived either. I was getting a little tispy as I hadn't really ever drunk before now. I don't think Star had either.

'Questions! Its my turn to ask I think. Have you ever drunk alcohol before?' There, he would have to answer me.

'I have tried a bit of beer before but no, I have not really drunk before. Not like this. You?'

'Can't you tell by my initial spluttering of rum? No. And that counts as a question so my turn again. Something a little more serious this time. What's up with you and your parents?'

He frowned a little. 'You mean why aren't we close?' I nodded. 'Well I am ok with my mom but my dad is always out on business. I have to join them for grown up stuff all the time and I think they forget I am still a kid. You probably noticed my lack of toys and stuff. I have a few back home but usually they give me a card for birthdays and Christmas' with a note telling me how much money they have put into my bank that time. I don't mind it though, I am used to it.'

The atmosphere was a little depressing so I said something I knew he would crack up at. 'I have never kissed anyone before!' I have no idea why I chose to say this but it was the only thing I could come up with that would embarrass me.

He didn't laugh though. Maybe I shouldn't have made a joke at that moment. 'I'm sorry, I thought you would laugh.' I tried, but he just stared at me. He was actually really close at this point. If I didn't know any better, I would say he was going to kiss me!

Oh... He was going to kiss me. I hope I hadn't lead him on with that statement, I didn't mean anything by it. He was still hovering and I thought for a second 'just kiss me already' but obviously I am not gay so I didn't really mean it, I just wanted the awkwardness over with and for him to stop staring.

Then he kissed me and I couldn't think any more. In that moment, everything just disappeared out of my brain and the world around me didn't matter. I opened my mouth a little and found myself reacting to the kiss. It must have been the alcohol because this felt wonderful and I wanted it. Our tongues were massaging each others and he grabbed my neck and arm. He felt down from my arm to my hand.

I don't know why I stopped, I think it was the sound of a wave crashing down nearby, but I pulled away. 'Wow.' Shit why did I say that out loud. What did this mean? I am not gay. No, I can't be, I am just waiting for the right girl. I am confusing this friendship for more, surely.

After a while of saying nothing, Star spoke, 'I have been wanting to do that this whole holiday.'


'Kiss you. When I first laid eyes on you, I was all angry at my parents but there was just something about you that caught my eye. I didn't know what it was at first but when I met you on the beach the next day, and you were so nice and encouraging about my surfing, I knew you were amazing and that I fancied you. I had not really met a girl to catch my eye yet and when you caught mine, I realised it may have been because I like guys instead.

When we had that sleepover, I was dying to get close to you. When you asked me to sing, I thought that if I sang that song and you shared my feelings, you would realise what I was doing and respond. But you didn't.

Then when we played hide and seek and we ended up in that weird position, I just had to hug you. I decided to ask you if we could be proper friends because if I couldn't be with you, then I at least wanted to keep in touch and be friends. I was a bit annoyed that you didn't say much back but you started tossing and turning in your sleep so I went over and put my arm round you and it seemed to calm you down. I woke up before you so you wouldn't notice and get weirded out.

And when you were scared at the water park I wanted to just sweep you up into my arms but that wasn't going to happen with the dingy so I did the next best thing and grabbed your hand. I thought it may work like when I put my arm round you in your sleep and it did. Plus, I really wanted to have an excuse to hold your hand.

I thought you would freak when I told you I may be gay but it didn't even faze you and I thought that maybe it was because you were beginning to feel the same. Today was awesome by the way, getting to know you like this.'

I was stunned. What on earth? I hadn't thought of him like this. Well, there were moments when things got weird but I put that down to me not knowing how to be friends with a guy. He was always on my mind and I really enjoyed his company, and that kiss was just... wow. But I wasn't gay. I couldn't be. So what if I hadn't met the right girl. I would eventually and I would have these feelings for them instead. Yeh, I'm sure of it. Or am I?

'T, my real name is...' He didn't get to finish this as I just ran. Ran and ran, for what felt like ages.

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