Chapter 8 - The end is nigh

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I woke up a bit late today which is super unusual, and I didn't have too much time to get ready. I was a bit flustered leaving the house and I had even managed to put my tshirt on backwards, which was only pointed out to me when I arrived to the beach for the meet up.

'I said 'your shirts on backwards T'. You ok today? You seem very lost.' I had been daydreaming about how I wished my morning had gone, getting up properly and not looking like a total spanner. I should probably reply before Star thinks i'm a total weirdo.

'Yeh, er just woke up late and I'm playing catch-up with my brain. I'll be normal in a minute. Miss anything?'

'Nah, just the 'good-morning' and 'hellos'. Up for an awesome day?'

'Sssh, I think Tadd's about to speak. But yeh, once I'm awake properly.' I smiled, making myself seem less rude to Star. When I am sleepy, which is rare in the morning, I get snappy. Snappy towards him today would not be good if I want us to hang out all weekend.

'Morning guys. I'll explain everything properly when we get to the trail about how today will be done. For now, I'm gonna just ask you all to pile onto the minibus and work out a buddy for the day. This buddy will be important if anything goes wrong so choose wisely. Off we go!'

'Wanna be my buddy?' More than anything. Oh right, he means for the hike.

''Of course, you're the best one here! Better than Tadd probably.' I didn't mean to sound so complimentary towards Star but it was the truth.

When we got to the cabin, we were gathered around once more. 'Now here is the important stuff. Before we head out today, you will all recieve a bit of a refresher lesson on what we learnt tuesday. You will be then split into 2 groups. Those that are a little behind or find themselves struggling will be in Marcy's group and will be taken on a shorter, safer course. If you don't like hiking so much, you may also join this group. The rest are with me.

Your buddies will also be taken into consideration so don't worry if you wanted more of an adventure but you're a little behind on the skills. It's going to be fun either way, I promise. Now into the class so we can start the day. Hey guys, can you come over here for a quick word?' Tadd was looking towards us.

'Right, you guys impressed me the other day and you came back in one piece so what if I suggest you both can go off now? I assume you are buddies for the day and the trail is well sign-posted so there shouldn't be any problems. You'll actually be doing me a favour as currently, splitting into 2 will make both groups uneven and someone wont have a buddy. This way, the numbers all work out. What do you both say?'

'Hell yes! Although I'm sure you would have been lots of fun to walk around with Tadd.' Star clearly likes the idea so he obviously doesn't mind spending some time alone with me. So far, so good.

'What about you?' Oh yeh, I didn't respond.

'Sounds awesome.' It did sound like a pretty sweet idea.

'Well then, I'll just hand you your backpacks for the day with everything you need and you can head off.' He grabs a couple bags from the pile on the side. 'Here. Now if you get a bit stuck or want to join with the rest of the group at some point, just wait on the trail somewhere. We'll be about half hour behind you guys.' He walks off to the class and leaves us alone for the day.

'Shall we start?' I motion for the starting sign on the trail.

'As long as you promise to keep up.' and with that, Star raced onto the track.

'No fair, wait up!' and I ran after him.

About five minutes in, we slowed down. It was all fun and games running around like mad men, but this was going to be a long walk and we were no fools - we needed the energy and focus. There would be nothing worse than falling over a twig and down a hill because you were running, or getting out of energy and fainting like a wuss.

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