Chapter 2 - One more day

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It was nice and early when I got up. My parents were just stirring, it was half 7 on a sunday afterall. I don't know why but I always get up early, even when I really don't need to. I guess i'm just not normal for a teenager haha.

Thought I may as well take advantage of the hotel and took a quick dip in their pool. I love swimming on holiday. In my normal day to day life, I never swim for some reason which is a shame because i'm pretty good at it. Maybe I'll try out for the swim team when I get back to school. I'm hitting that age now when social ranks start to mean something and I certainly don't want to be picked on by the jocks.

An hour later and i'm all showered and dressed, ready to go (unlike my parents). Its another half hour till we finally make a move to our temporary home.

My parents have rented us a car for the short drive, and also to visit as much of Cali as they can whilst i'm stuck with a bunch of babies. Not for long though!

We make our way up a winding track road surrounded by trees and dirt. Not going to be easy to just wonder off and explore unfortunately. Ah well, still looks like it would be pretty cool to go on walks around here.

There are two small, but nice, single floor houses within a short walk of eachother. We head to the first one with a car already outside it and a woman makes her way outside to greet us.

'Hello, you must be the Roberts. I'm Mandy, I own these properties and will be staying in that one' she points to the larger neighbouring house, 'over there so if you need anything, just pop over. My husband and son will be joining me later today so don't be alarmed when another vehicle shows up. I would be honoured if you would join us for dinner later as a welcome to California.'

'Thanks so much Mandy. I'm Sheila and this is my husband Tom and son Castiel. We will be heading out shortly but will most graciously be taking you up on your offer later.' Goodbyes were made and we unpacked and headed out.

I absolutely loved it here already. The beach was something I really wanted to head to after I briefly walked past it. People were skating around and having so much fun. Everyone was dressed brightly and didn't seem to have a care in the world. I could see myself having an awesome time here, just got to get the next day over with.

It really hadn't been long enough walking round and gathering our bearings before we headed back. I wanted more and I didn't think a 10 day holiday would be enough here. Especially if I have to follow my parents round and waste a day with other children. So lame.

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