Chapter 12 - Meeting the boss

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The office was buzzing. Not about the job but about the boss. People were trying to figure our what he would be saying to everyone. Some people had heard him just introducing himself personally, some were saying they overheard friendly chats about favourite foods and places to eat. Others said they heard him laughing and flirting with some of the ladies.

I wonder what he was going to chat to me about? I didn't have to wait much longer as he approached our section. He started off by giving the whole section a speech about what he expected from the 'sports team'. Then he walked straight over to my section and invited me into an empty office.

'First off, hi.' He shook my hand. 'Next, this office is yours. You look the most assertive and leadersshippy out of the bunch of sports guys so you can be in charge of this section of the magazine. I have a team that deals with magazine design so don't worry about that. All you need to do is make sure everyone hands you their writing/photo's/research and hand it in to the correct people.

Research and idea's can be sent straight up to my assistant for my approval before it goes any further. Article's and their photo's are to be organised properly on a usb so a photo of a soccer player doesn't end up in an article on golf. Any special requests for page organisation are to be wrote into a document file and added to the correct folder. Then they are to be handed to the design team. Understand?' This was a bit intense already but I nodded in response.

'So, what will you be doing for me? What's your job?'

'Photography. Sorry if I'm a bit tense. Nerves and all.' I tried to smile but I'm not sure if it ended up more of a grimace.

'Ah, the wonderful Castiel Roberts. Ha, we both have first names for last names, how about that? Feel's like we are friends already. I was impressed with your work by the way. As soon as my assistant showed me your portfolio, I knew you were the right one for the job. Anyone who was interviewed by someone other than myself were shortlisted and past on for confirmation by myself so I did actually give you the job.'

'Er, thanks I guess?' So he had been the one to give me the job. Made me feel a tiny bit more special for some reason.'

'I hope I'm not making you too uncomfortable. How about I change the subject. Got a girlfriend?'

I nearly choked but disguised it as a cough. Why on earth is he asking that? 'Yeh, her names Jessica. She lives back home in Virginia so I won't get to see her too much till I get settled in Boston.' I hoped. She had really been nagging me about getting a proper well paid job and I could do with this distance for a while.

'Awesome stuff. I'm sure she is super hot being with someone like you.' Is he flirting? I heard he flirted with some of the women so surely he can't be flirting with me, a guy. Plus he knows I am taken and straight. He must just be the friendly sort who pays everyone compliments or something. 'How old are you then? I don't recall an age on your CV.'

'24. I graduated at 21, travelled for a year, spent 2 years volunteering and holding down crappy office jobs until this opportunity came along. It's the first real job I have found that I like the idea of and thought I could get. No offence. I am nearly 25 though, just a month away on the 16th. How old are you? If you don't mind me asking.'

I didn't know if it was appropriate to ask the boss questions but his whole aproach was relaxed so I am sure it could get away with just an apology if he didn't like the questioning. '25. It's nice to actually be asked questions. I think most of the others were too afraid to ask me stuff so I just kept asking anything and everything. I like to do that though so I don't mind. I have no idea why. Its almost like I am searching for someone, but I don't know who. Sorry I am blathering on.'

So he is quite young then. I assumed him to be older because of his successes.'It is kind of funny actually hearing you go on.' The atmosphere was more relaxed now and I felt like I could talk to him. 'So, what possessed you to make a magazine?'

'Funny story. I was sat reading one of those crappy tat magazines women like to read out of pure bordemn and some bloke comes up to me and is clearly about to say something about my sexuality so to avoid any confrontation, I just blurted out it was research for a new magazine idea I had.

I went on to tell him I wanted to make a male version but with proper stories and less gossip. Turns out this guy was one of the new board members to my company. Sure I could have tried to get rid of him but he hadn't actually done anything wrong and he must have liked my idea as he started to pitch it for me.

Everyone loved it and told me it was brilliant and the more I thought about it, the more I started to like idea and really got into the research around it. I mean be honest, as a guy, you'd love a mag like this - amiright?'

'If I'm honest... yes.' Totally true. 'Well I wouldn't go telling that story to just anyone, they may think you don't really have any belief in this company and things won't work out so good.'

'Your the only one that knows, I promise. Plus I really do love the idea. Promise to keep my secret?' and I nearly laugh at what he does next - he holds his pinky out.

'Really? A pinky swear. Are we 5?' I laugh and make the promise.

'I best be going now. Think I've been in here long enough. Nice meeting you.' He shakes my hand and picks his next victim from my lot. He's a pretty sweet guy actually, seems like this job is going to be fun.

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